Dumbell and Kettle Bells

Event Date

Oct 04, 2019

Warmup: (in cadence)

  • SSH x 25

  • Arm Circles (foward) x 15

  • Arm Circles (backwords) x15

 The Thang:

Short run (1/4 mile) back to launch pad.

Circle up perform excerise and rotate. Go around 2 times. Short run (1/4 mile). Repeat.

  1. Chest Press – 15

  2. Dead Lift – 15

  3. Lawn mowers – 10 ea

  4. Negative Curl Alternating

  5. Tricep Kick back – 10 ea

  6. Snatch – 10 ea

  7. Jump Rope till others finish

Mary: Circled up and each member picked an excerise to be performed by PAX.  When around circle until time was up.


Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

Ephesians 4:32 


Lots of chatter about heavy weights and there was not supposed to be running on Bellz day. ?Hefty brought 2.0 who did more sitting than moving. Ziplock provided interesting conversation about a band that played at Balls Camp.