DUMC has become a Construction Site

Missing from the PAX list: Puddin' + Cinderella

It was a Respect filled workout with Shakespeare taking the honors as War-Baby at a spry 46, and Cinderella as your War-Daddy (Double Respect).

Before the workout there were no less than 3 specific "requests" about what I was allowed to Q – and what modifications were already planned should I break those directions.  

We had a few stragglers coming in on 2 wheels right at 5:30 – and so it began…..


– All of your favorites – including, but potentially not limited to, SSH x 25IC, IST x 15IC, Carrot Puller x 15IC, Mountain Climber x 20IC, Stretchy Stretch

Mosey to DUMC


– DUMC does not lack for builiding materials.  With the addition of Cinder Blocks for the recent running of the IRON PAX, the Pavers, bricks and sand bags have a new friend.  We would use most of them today.

– Grab a Paver and circle up for ROUND 1: Curls x 12IC, Shoulder Press x 12IC, Skull Crusher x 12IC, Bent Over Row x 12IC, Progressives Curls x 8  Take a lap around the parking lot, return to your paver and plank

– ROUND 2 – Curls x 10IC, Shoulder Press x 10IC, Skull Crusher x 10IC, Bent Over Row x 10IC, Squats x 10IC, Lunge Walk to the Speed Hump and Back – Take a lap around the parking lot, return to your paver and plank

– Round 3 – Curls x 8IC, Shoulder Press x 8IC, Skull Crusher x 8iC, Bent Over Row x 8IC, Creeper Combo x 8IC – Take a lap around the parking lot

Put the pavers away – Grab a cinder block and partner Up

Partner 1 – Farmer Carry both blocks around the lot – Parter 2 – Run around the lot and catch partner 1.  Flip Flop with Partner 2 continuing with the blocks until Partner 1 catches him.  Each runner did about 1.5 laps.

Put the Blocks away and grab a Sandbag.

As promised to Duvall last night (and with inspiration from TITAN) – Gorilla Sandbag Walks – Squat down, Extend Sandbag Out in front, "Catch-up" with your feet.  Looks like a Gorilla walking down the lot.  Head to the Speed hump and Zamperinni Back.  

20 Sandbag Swings OYO

Put the Bags back and Mosey to the Green.  Fast guys start Dips on the wall to wait for the 6.

MARY – LBC x 25IC, Pretzel Crunch x 10IC (each leg), Jane Fondas x 15IC (each leg), Low Flutters x 20IC, 1 Burpee OYO

Recover Recover

– Good crowd this morning.  Great way to start the week.  Mumblechatter was palpable.     

– Moses, BagBoy and Duvall were 3/4's of a Shield Lock team.  SPECIAL SA_CE – the only thing missing was "U".

– A few more donations to the cause and we'll have enough materials to build a Habitat House (or at least a dog house) at DUMC.  It's always good to note that not all sandbags are created equal.  

– Several PAX are traveling this week for CSAUP Events – pray for their health and that they enjoy the opportunity to get closer to their F3 brothers as they push themselves physically.

– Always an honor and a pleasure to be with you fine men.

