Dump Button

Event Date

Sep 06, 2016

Five of MIL's finest made it out into the cool morning after a long weekend to try and burn off the long weekend and also practice working out with the Dump Button to prevent the inadvertent transmission of profane mumblechatter.


– High Knees, Butt Kicks, Side shuffle x 2, SSH, Toy Soldier, Cherry Pickers, Windmills

The Thang

Part I – Four corners

Do one exercise in each corner of the parking lot for 30 seconds then run to next corner


1st set


Frog jumps with 1/4 turn



1 min rest


2nd set

Carolina Dry Dock

Jump lunges

Mason twist

Diamond mercans

1 min rest


3rd set – repeato of the 1st set


4th set – repeato of the 2nd set

Part II 

Run around school. Stop at jungle gym for 10 pull-ups OYO, then run back to parking lot



Sampler platter across the Pax

– Natty Lite – Flat leg crunches

– Arizona – Low flutter

– Double Double – Can opener

– 911 – WWII sit-ups

– Grip – Squats

– Natty Lite – Alternating ankle touches

– Arizona – Peter Parkers



– Workout was just the right intensity after a long weekend for all

– CMS parking lots are not square. They are shaped more like an odd trapezoid

– The timing element of today’s workout prevented much mumblechatter. No need for the Dump Button today. Perhaps the Pax vulgarities are increased only when Oktoberfest posts?

– Ben is a 1972 American horror film about a young boy and his pet rat, Ben. The film is a sequel to the 1971 film Willard. The theme song, "Ben", is performed by pop singer Michael Jackson. It was a big hit at the drive in.

– Jump lunges are hard. Arizona caught the groove during them. 

– 911 managed to land a triple salchow on the frog jumps 

– Q thought about doing bricks for the Part II, but was a good call to defer to another time. Stay tuned…. 

– 911 has quite a long stride on the backstretch when he turned on the afterburners 

– Good work men!