Duvall EH’d Coach McKillop To Fission

YHC learned a new term the night prior.  It's called DC.  It means "Duvall Commit".  It's not soft, it's not hard but it's dependent on how the Mayor of Davidson feels on Thursday morning.  It seems Poker night is Wednesday for Dooves and that usually includes a few cocktails.  SO happy to see Dooves show up in his runner's tank fresh and ready for Fission this AM.  As YHC crafts this skinny back blast, while listening to the Garth Brooks song "Rodeo", I'm reminded that trying to reign in Duvall is similar to how a seasoned cowboy tries to ride a bucking bronco.  The man is wide open.

It would not surprise me someday, if Duvall did EH Coach McKillop to a workout since Silver Fox is now officially retired.   *cool*

The workout started at the back of HT parking lot as usual with a disclaimer, with the standard warm-a-rama which hopefully got the blood flowing.  

From there, we moseyed over to the intersestion of 115 and Catwaba.  YHC thought there was a rock pile there but it appeared to have been cleared away.  We proceeded to do several circuits of single count merkins, SSH's, Slow Squats, Rocky Balboa's, mountain climbers, and other cardio and strength intensive exercises YHC would come up with.  The circuits went back and forth between 3-4 locations and we ended with MARY at our starting launch point.


  • Lots of mumblechatter and fake counting to throw off YHC
  • Bel Air continues to be a consistent beast at 70+ Triple respect brother
  • Canuck revolted and hopefully got his two miles in
  • Hollywood continue to be steady and strong
  • Cousin Eddie ran the standard as expected
  • Blackbeard throught we'd be searching for Copperheads at the grassy knoll and seemed nervous
  • Gnarly Goat referenced YHC as "Good Cop Bad Cop" as YHC believes it may have been the passive aggressive nature of the workout. 
  • Prayers continue for Stapler as he recently lost his dad.  Service 7/1 (tomorrow) at St. Marks
  • Great coffeeteria as always including discussions about movies, old cards, Insecure Bill from King of the Hill, etc
  • Thank you Black Beard for the jump start this morning as YHC left lights on in Miata-Tclaps brother

I adore each of you that continue to show up for Fission as it continues to motivate and inspire YHC.  Sincere thanks to each of you for choosing to spending your morning in the gloom among friends, see a phenomenal sunrise, get healthy, and have great fellowship.




  1. 1.
    love and respect (someone) deeply.
    "he adored his mother"


Humbly in Christ,


