E-knee Me-knee

Event Date

Aug 07, 2021


A muggy but fairly cool morning for 4 brave souls to gather and sweat. Might as well work heavy since that's what we do at SVU.



11 IC Windmills

15 IC Copperhead Squats

19 IC Tony Hawks

13 IC Merkins

17 IC Cotton Pickers

I had an uneven start to the day…..kinda just felt odd….idk

The Thang

Mosey to back play ground for a 5 round Tabata – 2 minutes on/1 minute rest.  Get's spicey on these exercises. The first circuit has 5 exercises – 2 upper body, 2 lower body, 1 core. PAX can order and work any way they want. I was going to bring everyone a "scorecard" and see who could get the most total reps (which would be a fun way to add a little competition) but I forgot.  We "shot" numbers to see if we would do E-knee or Me-knee first.  E-knee won!

E-knee Exercises


Banded Triceps Extensions

KB Swings (62# KB)

Sandbag deadlifts (102# sandbag)

Slalom Skier Abs

Me-knee Exercises

Landmine presses

Sandbag pulls (using a LONG rope, drag the sandbag across the playground and back)

Block Squats

Kickstand Deadlifts with Block

Indo Board Squats (Indo Board is a teeter totter on a cylinder….very tricky)

We went through each Tabata then gathered all the equipment and went back up to the AO. Mosey to top of LBH for 25 WWi's and back. At AO we then challenged ourselves to max hand-release Merkins. Closed with another set of 25 WWi's.


Glad that Strudel used the bars on the Indo Board….that could have been trouble.

Tonka broke out the guns…..getting bigger!

Cheetah needs a much better role model!!!!!! Set your sights a little higher, bro!


Two things came together this week and have weighed on my mind. First, in a recent Sunday School class we were talking about Christ after His resurrection. He went to gather His "friends" was the comment. I got totally hung up on that idea. Does Christ see me as His "friend"? Not that I am against Him, but I always see my relationship with Him more as a Superior/inferior thing. I am so far from Him in my "level" that I just can't imagine that He would think of me as His "friend".  

The second thing shed some light on that for me as I pondered it. The song Rescue Me from Lauren Daigle is Christ's words to us. He says (in her song – the video must be shot in Iceland or something and it is AMAZING) –

You are not hidden
There's never been a moment
You were forgotten
You are not hopeless
Though you have been broken
Your innocence stolen
I hear you whisper underneath your breath
I hear your SOS, your SOS
I will send out an army to find you
In the middle of the darkest night
It's true, I will rescue you

As I pondered these words I realized that I DO NOT want to be rescued. Not that I don't want Christ or the benefits of His Atonement, but I don't want to be that moron that gets lost in the woods and NEEDS to be rescued. Toss me in the "army" and I will endure anything to go find someone else, but make me the object of the rescue and I am overcome with embarrassment and shame. I've never thought of myself as a partcularly prideful person, but this is as example of pride. Somehow I need to find a way to be ok with being rescued.

If you are like me, well, sorry….lol. I don't have the answer, but better understanding the problem is a step in the right direction. 


Maybe next Q will be the My-knee and Mo'…..who knows.
