Earning the Weekend

21 got "chesty" in an effort to earn the weekend (Piper, Macho Man, and Ball Drop need to sign up on the website). Here is their story:


6 hard-chargers stormed the greenway for 3 mi @ Dingo’s 2ndF pace (Turncoat, Spongebob, Gray Ghost, Auto, Dingo, Don Ho)



SSH x 30 IC
IST x 15 IC
Cotton picker x 15 IC
Merkins x 15 IC


Mosey to LFC

Merkin/Squat ladder up to 7
People’s Chair
Air presses x 20 IC

Merkin/Squat ladder down from 7
People’s Chair
Balls to the wall

Mosey to the A Frame

Up and over the monkey bars
Low curl x 10 IC
High curl x 10 IC
Shoulder press x 10 IC

Back over the monkey bars
Full curl x 10 IC
Chest press x 10 IC
Chest press w/ low flutter x 10 IC

Mosey to the LFC entrance
Bear crawl/crawl bear medley between curbs
Irkin/Derkin ladder down from 5 at opposite curbs

Mosey to LFC fire pit
Wall jumps x 10 OYO
Dips x 10 IC
Repeato laddering down to 5 on each

Mosey back to parking lot


Homer to marge
Low flutter x 25 IC
Low dolley x 10 IC
Merkins x 10 IC
LBCs x 20 IC
CDD x 10 IC
Plank it out

Recover recover


  • Strong work Over Budget dominating the monkey bars on the second run and Auto for taking the hard route on the outside
  • Good to see some new faces in the pax this AM. Keep coming back…the beatdowns won't get any easier but you will get stronger
  • Congrats to Dingo on the MQ at The Berean. Come out and join us for a 0430 run/ruck, 0500 beatdown, and 0530 bible study every Monday at Madalyn's. It's a common misconception that you need to have any knowledge of or have read any part of the bible to attend a bible study and The Berean, in particular. Come join us and see what I mean. Great group of guys and you are more than welcome to just come and have a cup of coffee on me and listen. We are all taking very different walks with Christ but are all looking to become better men and followers of HIM. Thats what Monday mornings are about at The Berean.
  • #TheFoundry is looking for a few good men to Q in the coming weeks. Step up men!
  • The Delta is tomorrow at GCC starting around 8 AM. Take the family and support a great cause, Above and Beyond.
  • Thanks to Dingo for taking us out
  • Thanks for coming out to #TheFoundry. It's an honor and pleasure to lead such a great group of men. Thanks to the LFC Men's Ministry for the EH (Email Headlock in my case) and to the pax for the constant encouragement and motivation. Until the next time…

Don Ho