East Lincoln Tour

Event Date

Dec 26, 2015

Warm up:
15 side straddle hops IC
10 cotton pickers IC
10 Merkins IC 
Arm circles 
The Thang
Parking lot mosey follow the leader to the tennis courts
20 dips
Parking lot fun
Sprint down
Mosey back
Karaoke right down
Karaoke left back
High knees down 
Butt kickers back
Mosey to the front of the school
Incline Merkins
Mosey to the side of the school of the school

30 step ups
Partner up and partner carry
Burpee broad jump
Lounge walk
Mosey to the loading dock
Partner wall sits air press
Other partner does 10 jump ups (5 each side)
Mosey to the rock pile
10 low curls IC
10 high curls IC
10 regular curls IC
10 Full sit up rock press partner holds feet
10 Rock press IC
10 skull crushers IC
10 trifectors IC
10 Full sit up rock press partner holds feet
10 rows
10 squats
30 second mason twist with your rock
Mosey to the under bars
20 Australian push ups (10 each grip)
Mosey to the track 
400 with stations every 100
10 Merkins
10 jump squats 
10 crab cakes
10 mountain climbers
15 LBCs IC
15 Freddy Mercury's IC
15 low flutter kicks IC
15 low dolly
1Samuel 16:7
But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees;[a] for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
Giving the holiday season. I wanted to point out that it is not about what we have or how we look with the things we do have. God chooses substance over style or worldly processions. God is concerned with the inside: who we are becoming. He wants us to have substance ourselves, to be able to see the substance in others, and to value substance above outward appearances and things of the world.
-Q fail for the day… Sitting close to an ant hill and getting bit a few times. I looked like I had turrets because I kept slapping myself I n the chest to kill said ants. 
-Lots of chatter as we learned more about our visitor and new 2.0.
-We got to welcome  (Diesel's 2.0)  to the Mustang 2.0 group. He loves football and his favorite players belong to the Panthers. Luke Kuechly and Cam Newton.
-Also got to visit with Boot Scoot from a Raleigh Pax and used to live in the Denver area. He is 

-As always, an honor to lead and be led by you men.
