Easter Iron Cross

Event Date

Apr 08, 2023



2 appeared in the cold sprinkly/drizzly morning…so excited to be wet in 41F. Cardio helped warmed things up in a hurry. We weren’t afraid of the cold water on our…undercarriage, but we didn’t go out of our way to go on the ground…

Here’s how it went down.

SSH, Windmills, Gma Maters, Merkins, Squat Pulses

PLot fun: (all with a mosey back)
high knees, butt kickers, both Karaokes, slides

Go grab a block.

Iron Cross circuit:
10 mountain climbers
10 block squat thrusters
10 lunges (5/leg)
Colt 30’s
10 8-count merkin T-planks #CrowdPleaser
10 Dippy Birds
10 raised block merkin
20 calf raises
Perform circuit at driveway entrance and 3 other ends of the Easter Iron Cross.

Reflection Luke 23:43
Jesus answered, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”
* this was spoken by Jesus to the 2nd thief being crucified with Jesus
* it’s never too late to have faith
* even after being beaten near-to-death, Jesus loved and saved
* our spiritual resurrection is immediate after death

* T-claps to Tonka for showing up for the beatdown. 41F and rainy are both right up there on the list of ‘reasons to fartsack’. Fortunately, supporting a Brother Q and preventing a SadClown are on the list of ‘reasons not to fartsack’. I would’ve done that on my own, but with less laughing and less joy for sure. Thanks man
* T-claps to folks working to keep our community safe and to fly around holiday travellers.
* warm weather and no rain is coming, I promise!

As always, it was such an honor to lead.