Easter Monday Egg Hunt

Event Date

Apr 17, 2017

After a long egg and candy filled weekend, 6 of Racecity's faithful pax made the long haul to the Monster Mile to endure some pain and to their surprise, more eggs and candy.  Once we were all present and accounted for we headed out on our journey:




10 WM IC

Mosey to the playground for the Thang.

There were 4 locations with 4 eggs at each location.  3 of them had an exercise and one had a piece of candy.  Once all eggs were found at each location we proceeded to do 3 sets of 3 exercises before we moved to the next location.


10 Pullups

10 Merkins IC

10 Squats IC

Mosey behind school to lower field:

10 Man maker Merkins IC

Run up the stairs and down 10 times

10 Carolina Dry Dock IC

Mosey up to picnic tables:

10 Incline Merkins IC

10 Dips IC

10 step ups each leg

Mosey back to rock pile:

10 rock press IC

10 rock curls IC

10 rock skull crushers IC

Mosey back to the start where we had no time for Mary

-Was hoping to add a little bit of fun to my normal boring repetitive workouts.  Not sure if we succeeded.

-I thought the candy would be a nice treat for those that found it, but quickly found out that candy and Rent-a-cop do not mix well that early in the morning.  He sounded like a teenager fighting back the puking god after a night of secret drinking at the trtain tracks.

-Sorry Contra.  YHC felt just a tinge of guilt when driving away from the AO happy to be done and drinking my gatarade only to see Contra staying behind to complete his 30 Burpees for the monthly Burpee challenge.  Next time I promise you some Burpees.

-Thanks to all that come out to support the Monster Mile.

-Always an honor to lead you fine men and even more humbling that you all follow!