Easy Workout for Ludi

Outlaw asked for someone to step up and Q the homebase of YHC and also the best AO around, so naturally I said yes. Even if he is a Buck-Irish-tiger fan.

The Thang:

Mosey around the parking lot with some regular running, backwards running, butt-kickers, high knees, then some sidesteps (both left and right, oh yeah!)


  1. Windmill IC x 10
  2. IST IC x 15
  3. SSH IC x 15
  4. Mtn. Climbers IC x 15

Mosey to the BBC Quad (Pierogi you were missed)

  1. LBCs IC x 15 – broad jump to next corner
  2. Mason Twists IC x 15 – bear crawl to next corner
  3. Rosa Lita IC x 15 – Lunge Walk to crosswalk, crabwalk to corner
  4. WWII Sit-Ups SC x 15 Mosey to the Gazebo

At the Gazebo

  1. Dips IC x 15
  2. Irkins IC x 15
  3. Derkins IC x 10

 Mosey to Wall behind Teeter and Partner Up

  1. Partner 1 Does People's Chair
  2. Partner 2 runs to intersection – 5 burpees
  3. Flapjack
  4. Repeato and drop 1 burpee per lap per partner

Grab 2 Bricks per Man

  1. Curls for Girls IC x 12
  2. Skullcrushers IC x 12
  3. Shoulder Press IC x 12
  4. Repeato everything for sets of 10, 8, and 6

 Mosey back to Home Base for some PAX Round-Robin Mary

  1. YHC – LBCs IC x 15
  2. Bama – Heels to Heaven IC x 15
  3. Primo – Low Flutter IC x 15
  4. Metallica – Freddy Mercury IC x 15
  5. Jimmy-O – Dying Cockroach IC x 15
  6. Axel – Freddy Mercury (Mr. Originality) IC x 11



  1. F3 still needs volunteers for the Huntersville Half – this WILL be a huge event for F3 where we are major sponsors. SIGN UP HERE
  2. Pro-Tip for Qs: Breathing is the key to a successful workout and not forgetting the count or the cadence.
  3. Good crowd and nice fall weather today for an OG PAX @ an OG AO. YHC enjoyed the group as much as Pierogi enjoys BBC.
  4. Group vote: Yoga Pants are mankind's greatest invention.
  5. Outlaw hope you ankle is better soon.
  6. YHC, 9-Lives, Jolly Roger, Mini-Me, Cooter, and Burner all met the standard.
  7. 9-Lives, Jolly Roger, Mini-Me, and Burner continued running for another 4-ish miless. Thanks for coming all the way up here to run the standard with YHC.
  8. Cooter got CRAY CRAY Quick. Dang bro. Nice work and keep it up.