Eating Season

Event Date

Oct 18, 2016

Did not see Rovis signed up on the website

Eight of the MIL's finest made it out on a cool morning to strap on the proverbial feedbag and to celebrate the arrival of Eating Season.


  • High Knees, Butt-Kicks, Karaoke x 2, Backwards run, SSH, TS, Windmill and Cherry/Cotton pickers,

The Thang

Pax was served a full helping of the Murph. Do one lap around the school, followed by 10 sets of the following:

  • 10 pull-ups

  • 10 mercans I/C (20 total per set)

  • 15 squats I/C (30 total per set)

For a grand total over the 10 sets of 100 pull-ups, 200 mercans and 300 squats.


  • As a certified Pompi-ologist, or one involved in the study of the culture, habits and traits of Pompi’s, allow me provide some additional info on the origination and rituals of Eating Season.

    • My parents are from Buffalo, a place that is cold and miserable during the late fall and early winter season. There is a high tendency to enjoy comfort foods as a coping mechanism in these elements, the food for which is often characterized by its high caloric nature, high carbohydrate level, and simple preparation.

    • Autumn beers are less concerned with being refreshing — as such, many will start to play with a heavier body and more autumnal spiciness. To mimic the extended nights of winter, winter beers tend to be heavy and dark. Plus, many winter beers get into the holiday spirit, incorporating flavors that pair well with winter feasting

    • This background on food and drink sets the table (literally) for Eating Season.

    • Once the crisp autumn nights arrive, the body begins to physically prepare itself for the upcoming holiday season.

    • The first milestone of Eating Season is peaks around Halloween, when sweets that would never be enjoyed during the summer are feasted upon.

    • It follows into November as a training regimen of sorts, since you don’t want to show up at Thanksgiving dinner not having put in the proper preparation for the holiday meal

    • There is much continued momentum during December with Holiday Parties and Festivus, going strong all the way up thru New Years

    • January is a time for resolutions, and while this may seem like a logical end to Eating Season, since all the posers start to go the gyms, work out and talk about their diets, the contrarian view is to continue Eating Season all the way thru to the Super Bowl

    • Q worked with a bunch of London people who did a “Dry January” to abstain from the intake of all alcohol during the month of January to dry out from the holiday season.Dry January 2014 goes down as the single worst decision I have made during my adult life

    • After the Super Bowl, moderation finally kicks in and with boat season on the horizon, a concerted effort of working out along with caloric moderation is started

    • March and April are typically the healthiest months of the year

    • All goes swimmingly with this plan until about July when the summer vacations start and where the cycle begins again. Pinky will likely have an anecdote to share about just how healthy this circuitous process actually is….

    • This is not a cry for help, and I am not looking for an intervention.There are no plans to moderate the intake during Eating Season.However, with your help and support, Eating Season can be better managed with more thorough and regular output thru these workouts. And we thank you for your support

  • Oktoberfest may be retaining water and potentially lactating

  • Welcome Rovis from Northwoods who made it out this am

  • “Cubs win, Cubs win, Cubs Win” said a Harry Carey impersonator that had the slurred dialect down but managed to include too much extra phlegm and/or a hairball in the delivery

  • Speaking of dialect, the in cadence counting by Double Double can be best classified as a “herniated Muppet”

  • A good night’s rest makes Oktoberfest less cranky. And now we know

  • Calling an audible for Saturday’s workout to go race at the Mountain Island 5k and support the community. Race starts at 8am at the Coulwood Middle School at 500 Kentberry Dr.Attached is the link to sign up.

  • Great work men!