Eight is Enough

Event Date

Aug 10, 2024

Eight of us gathered to do some hard things under the warm wet blanket of the ELHS parking lot.  FNGs (at least for the web site) are Snoopy, Chromozone, and DutchBoy


Mater disclaims and warms us up. SSHs, toy soldiers, cotton pickers, storm troopers, I think.


To the front of the gym including around the flagpole.

Dips, wall sits, Mike Tyson merkins, etc.

To the rock pile by the tennis courts. Grab a rock.

Curls, trifectas, quadfectas, rows, etc. while mixing in various runs up the parting lot including some high-knees, butt-kickers, etc.

To the tennis court for some bear crawls, lunges, reverse lunges, sprints, etc.

Mater hands off to Sonar:

Indian run(ish) with a tennis ball. The ball can only move forward through the air so it must be passed to make progress. If the ball hits the ground – it’s three burpees for everyone. Several rounds of burpees were incurred. Sweat was produced.

Return to the rocks. We forgot to put them away.

Pair up and line up toward the bottom of the parking lot. Complete the number of exercises as team. One partner runs to the top and back while the other does the exercise. (Modified for the team of three since one pax had to leave early)

Round 1: 200 LBCs

Round 2: 50 burpees (ok, let’s make that 40)

Then we all did hill sprints to the top. Sprint up – walk back. Three rounds of that.

Back to the launch pad for


with low flutters, dying cockroaches, and some Jane Fonda to finish out out.

Reflection from C#:

Psalm 19:1 ESV

[1]  The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.

Meteor shower peak Sunday night into Monday morning…

Forgot to pray us out – my bad

Sound off and head to coffee.


  • Boone returns for some Mustang love! (wait…does that sound weird?). Awesome to have you back out, brother. #MoreKottersPlease
  • The sweat-fests continue. Doesn’t take much to get drenched these days.
  • Great to have ShakeWeight out for a Mustang Saturday
  • Coffeeteria was Omaha’d to Panera and it was great!