Eight is Enough Burpees

BEP and T-Bone showed for a standard, but the real standard started at 0510 when YHC showed for a solo core standard. Eventually someone else is going to join me for some pre-workout ab workout. Right? Eventually?

By 0530 seven other men had joined me in the humid gloom and we were off. Frogger and Crabby did their own thing at the track and we think Frogger may have gotten injured again – TBD. 1 lap indian run to get started. Disclaimer was given.

Warm-o-rama: I think it got more humider.

  • SSH x? IC (since no one was counting let's say 30)
  • IST x10 IC
  • Slow windmills x10 IC
  • Toy soldiers x10 IC
  • Merkins x10 IC

Thang: the workout consisted of a run, block work, and then 100 burpees. 4 min rounds. Still super humid.

  • 300m run
  • 20 block curls one round, then 20 skull crushers next round, keep alternating
  • Burpees commence after the run and 20 reps are done – as many burpees as possible until the 4 min mark then repeato until 100 burpees

Mary: Even more humider if possible.

  • LBC's
  • Box cutters
  • Low flutters
  • Ab hold for 30 seconds
  • Plank it out 45 seconds or so until 0615


  • Crocs inspired BB title today since I think 8 was the total number of burpees he managed to do. Still, I consider that a win for the Q.
  • Baller with a strong effort today – it was so humid he had to remove his shirt, first time that's happened.
  • BEP, Happy, and Jingles quietly persevered; T-Bone not so much, the mumblechatter was extra strong, maybe it was the humidity.
  • Did I mention it was humid?
  • BEP took us out in prayer.
  • Thanks to Tantrum for the chance to lead this morning.