Einstein, Newton, and what was the other guys name?

Event Date

Sep 08, 2016


Missing from the back blast is Ball Drop…whose clearly dropped the ball on signing up on the website.  

After a brief but all too important disclaimer, we engaged in a little bit of “a-

Mosey-we-will-go” through the parking lot.  We butt kicked, karaoked, quadraphilia’d, high kneed, and finally circled up by the Pull-up Bars.


SSH x 25

IST x 15

Cotton Pickers x 15

Windmill x 15


The Thang: Does Einstein’s E=MC2 hold water? 

One man carries a Diamond Springs 5 Gal water bottle around 2 islands while the rest of PAX spell out:


Mountain Climbers x 20

Alternating Lunges x 20

Skull Crushers x 20 w/ rock

Squats x 20


The Thang II: Does Newton’s Law of Motion hold water? 

One man carries a Diamond Springs 5 Gal water bottle around 2 islands while the rest of PAX spell out:


Incline Merkins x 20

Narrow stance full curl x 20

Elbow Plank x 1 minute

Rock Swings x 20

Toe touches x 20 (V-Ups)

Inchworm x 20

Ab crunch x 20


Take Full Lap around Parking Lot


The Thang III: Who the heck is James Clerk Maxwell?  Discovered the theory of electromagnetism…electricity, magnetism, and light are all a part of the same phenomenon…the electromagnetic field.  This led to the development of radio, TV and radar.   

One man carries a Diamond Springs 5 Gal water bottle around 2 islands while the rest of PAX spell out:


Every other rock lift x 10 (dead lift to above head)

Low curl x 20

Elbow plank x 1 minute

Cliff hanger pull up x 5

The mason twist x 20

Rows x 20

In order for us to get done in time we’re skipping this one

Chest press x 20


Return Rocks Back to the Library




Freddie Mercury x 50…scratch that…25.


Recover, Recover



Much to my surprise, my immediate neighbor joined me in the gloom this morning.  Stay Puft  (whose name-we both agree-may have to be changed) rocked it out this morning.  His wifey is about to spit out another munchkin so he’s looking for every excuse in the book to get out of the house.  Well, you found a good excuse with F3 brother!  It was good to see Loop again after tearing/injuring his meniscus.  There’s 4 opportunities in October to lead this Motley Crew, so I expect you to sign up one of those dates.  Ball Drop was a nice addition this morning.  Always like talking to a former FIG guy…but we’re going to change the “I think I’ve Q’d…to I know I’ve Q’d” in October.  Same as loop…go to www.f3isotope.com and sign up for a Q!  You can do it!  Last but not least, our resident medical professional is becoming a regular at Samson.  Code Blue…you’re my boy!  Thanks for the dedication this morning fellas.  I love the banter, the sweat, and Luther’s black grapes early in the morn….

