El Intimadador Es Muy Macho

As Banana Peel casted a net earlier this week for a sub Q for the esteemed El Intimidador, the Slack lines began tightening, looking for a stand in, down the bench they went, past the numerous well qualified sculpted physiques of F3RCUSA, to the hobbling portly poorly pruned pathetic dentist who had no verifiable excuse 'not' to Q, so Race City's cherished Friday reigns were skeptically handed to YHC, and here's how the F3 Q Quality Barometer (F3QQB) dipped mightily for 45 minutes today, a scar that will certainly blemish Race City's pristine complexion for weeks to come.

Warm Ups- Zamp the weights from Point A to Point B, circle up- IC- SSH 15, CDD'S 10, SDS 10, IST *trolldance*10. Mozy, High Knees, Butt Kickers, Kick Steppers, return to Zamp weights to FRONT, (Point C) of Tony's Pizza*whistle*

The Thang- COP Escalation Step Reps of 10, 15, 20 Kettle Bell Swings and IC Mil. Presses, Skull Crushers, Curls, and Squats (Goblet Style) with 'recovery' runs to the light (about 84 meters), then either Crab Walk, Bear Crawl, or Lung 5, then 7, then 9 parking lines back towards the COP.  Bells were not grounded once during the reps.  After the third set, the Pax was instructed to meander to the covered area in front of Apple Juice for some abs- Mason Twist (Deep End led- LEGS OFF the ground, IC 10–maybe 15), then IC Heel Slappers 10, R/L Twist Crunches 10 IC, W's 5 IC, CDD's 15 IC, Find a wall- 60 second Preacher's Chair, back to COP. Lawn Mower Pulls R/L 15 IC, and 15 Dips IC.  Zamporini the weights back to the AO.  Recover recover.


-Totebag and Cheez Whiz teamed up to run 4 miles in the neighborhood and showed up promptly for the COT

-Mary was amalgamated into the workout today, and as such did not achieve her own subtitle….she'll get over it.

-Master Q Cupcake had hired Banana Peel for this Q oringially, but due to Peel's overbearing, whisky swillin', nearly toothless, Tennessee born and raised boss*haha*, he was unable to lead today, so YHC stepped in as a sub, and offers this Post up to Banana Peel, in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month (it's a real thing… seriously, look it up!).

-It is great to see Scrum, Goat Path, and Deep End out there today….new blood is essential to this venture*more-cowbell*

-At promptly 6 AM, F3RCUSA's own Man of the Year was excused to attend to work related matters*bow*.  He left without pomp or circumstance, but is departure left a palpable void in the Pax.

-The holiest amungst us headed to The Armour, a small quorum settled outside to discuss Charleston, age related injuries, and how to humanely unhook a stingray without disembowelment.

-Gents, grab the keys to ANY ONE of these fine AO…..one of the greatest gifts of F3 is your ability to lead your brethren, please don't miss out on this wicked pissah cool opportunity.  *fistbump*