El Nino inspires a Portico Workout

Event Date

Dec 22, 2015

As the gloom was extra wet this morning, 6 men braved the 50 degree temps and firm rain to make the best of a wet situation and push themselves through the gloom towards greatness. 

Warm O Rama

Exercises in Cadence:

  • SSH x32
  • ISS X29
    • Pax Note: Purely coincidental that was the winning score of Pats vs Panthers Superbowl
  • Spinder man x12
  • Man Maker pushup x11
    • Pax Note: Purely coincidental that those are the numbers for Brady and Edelman of the defending SuperBowl champion Patriots
  • Parttner up and mosey around the parking lot whilst carrying a 15 or 20 lbs weight above your head

The Main Event

YHC then fired up the tabata machine with Tunes.   We did all exercises for 30 seconds on with a 15 second rest.   We did 4 cycles with 4 tabatas at a time, witch the exception of the miscounted round of extra squats.

Tabata 1:

  • Merican
  • WWII Sit Ups
  • Dips
  • Freddie Mercury

Safe sprint to end of parking lot with a Santa skip return to portico

Tabata 2:

  • Squats (5 cycles)
  • WWI Sit Up
  • Jump Lunges, then regular lunges when burned out (3 cycles)
  • Side crunches

Mini mosey around parking lot to release any lactic build up.

Final 3 Minutes of Mary

Lastly, Kumquat sealed the fate of the Pax by choosing Moby's Sally challenge over 'Hey Geronimo.'  The pax then went on their sixes in Marge position.   When Moby instructed to bring Sally up and down we spent the next 3 minutes going full extension arms and legs up.   The Pax and YHC were officially smoked at the 3 minute mark. 

The Moleskin

  • Hollywood, Soprano and Ninja keep perfrect form.   These warriors are diffcult to challenge as they have experience in F3, so I was releived to see the deep breaths and little tap outs here and there during certain exercises.
  • Kumquat and I maintained a healthy discussion around the role of music in movies.
  • I think the music helped. Everyone seemed to keep pace and push themselves.   That 4th round of dips was a monster that the Pax slayed in a true show of grit and determination.
  • Omaha called for louder tunes when U2 came on which was good to hear. Hoopefully Santa will bring YHC a louder speaker to make it easier to hear.  I am sure that the 131 Main neighbors are thrilled at the possibility.
  • Omaha, Kumquat and YHC convened for a nice cup o'joe at Starbucks.  The 2nd F was delightful as we took a deep breath before Christmas.  

Reminders and announcements

  • 12/26 – post-Christmas convergence.  Check the twitter-sphere for details
  • 1/1/2016 – 5 year anniversary convergence for F3. Ditto
  • Mini-me roast is an excellent opportunity for some 2nd F.
  • Last but not least, I wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season.
  • YHC took us out in prayers with a reminder to be that smile or that holiday cheer for those that weren't garaced to find the balance across the 3Fs.   Someone needs us today, lets give a little of ourseleves in this season of giving to make someone else better.