Eleven fought through “Four ‘Amen’ Corners” at Gladiator

The Amen workout became a Four Amen Corners workout.  Here is what went down.


Mosey around parking lot throwing in some butt kickers, high knees and some quadraphilia.

Circle up.  No FNG's.  Gave customary disclaimer and Amen scripture: Psalm 118:24

SSH X 30

CP X 15


Windmill X 15

Merkins X10

Squat X 10

Mosey on over to pull up bars to start the "Amen Corners"

First corner Pull ups

Second corner Merkins

Third corner squats

Fourth corner burpees

After completing each corner, run to the next corner increasing as follows through cycle

First cycle – 5 each

Second cycle – 10 each

Third cycle – 15 each

Fourth cycle – 20 each

Fifth cycle – 15 each

Sixth cycle – 10 each

Seventh cycle – 5 each

Mosey back for Mary

Amen – JLo

Travolta – Low flutter

Dry Rub – LBC

Soprano – Slooooooww merkins

Recover, Recover


Thanks again to Travolta allowing me to lead.  Always a privalege

Thanks to Soprano for keeping time.

I do not know if anyone made it through all 7 cycles but all men worked hard.  Great Job!

While we were doing LBC's I thought maybe I should have had us doing them on the fourth corner instead of burpees….oh well.  A little burpee action never hurts.

Revelation 5:13-14
