Elevens for 11 years of gratitude..

15 men from all walks of life, each with their own story gathered this gloom to stand strong together this day with hopes of becoming better men.. Here is their story. 

Mosy to the wall climb it, we can overcome all obstacles, 1 burpee at the top. 

Mosy to the parking lot. 

SSH IC   x 11

Mericans IC x 11

Soy Bean Farmers IC x11

Mountain Climbers IC x 11

Mosy to the next lot for a wall sit. 1min and 11 seconds to be exact.

Mosy to the bottom to learn our fate. 

The Thang. 100 yards up Cupcake Hill and 50 yards down hill of the Jet Parking Lot. 

11 Burpees at the top, 11 burpees and 11 mericans at the bottom, 11 burpees 11 mericans 11 squats at the top, 11 burpees 11 mericans 11 squats 11 Carolina dry docks at the bottom, 11 burpees 11 mericans 11 squats 11 Carolina dry docks 11 calf raises at the top, 11 burpees 11 mericans 11 squats Carolina dry docks 11 calf raises 11 LBC at the bottom.. (Incredible suck) by now the pattern was clear, but most didn't understand the reason yet- but they soon would.

Mosy to Crack Hill( special moment happened to YHC here once) face the wall for some Quadriphilia x 11

Fast Mosy to the next lot for another wall sit 1 minute 11 seconds.

Mosy to the next lot for more misery. 

11 decline  mericans IC

11 incline mericans IC

11 man maker mericans IC

Mosy back to the rally point. Pass Ole Glory stopping for a Pledge or our allegiance to her. 

Circle up for Mary.

WWII  x 11 

LBC x 11

Mason Twist x 11

Box Cutter x 11

Elbow Plank x 1min and you guessed it 11 seconds.

The theme for the day was 11's. It's not always easy to say but a few of the PAX  know I don't drink, many don't know why. Well I suck at it, and it nearly cost me my life, my marriage, my family, and the Son I have now would not  be here. 11 years ago from this past Monday I hit my knees and begged God to help. He delivered in Spades. It wasn't easy but it was worth it. When I tell people about F3 they always say it's so hard to get up that early, my response is usually " Some people don't have the ability to get up at all, be thankful." I used to wake up like Bill Murray in Groundhogs Day, if you don't know what it feels like to want to die but to chicken to pull a trigger- well let's say it's not fun. I know most PAX that have posted with me probably question my sanity, I'm loud, brash, and everything is always a joke. If you were playing with house money you would be too. I'm a walking miracle- we all are. I'm so grateful for the Fellowship of F3 and the Men who have set a course for the rest of to help build onto something truly special. Man Hands out.