ELHS Mustang Murph – July 2018 Edition

15 including 2 out of towners on vacation to LKN (Didn't know this was a vacation spot, but …) F3 Charlottesville and F3 New Bern (True North and 2 Fingers (I didn't ask)), and 2 2.0's (Sporks, one not listed above is Einstein) posted for #TheMurph. We were missing some regulars, even with 15 PAX,  and learned some sad news regarding our newest brother Rubi. Prayers up brother.

We stand around and "stretch" though mostly just the truth and not our muscles like we should while we wait for the rest of the PAX to flow in. For the record YHC was the first in the parking lot.

Off the start we had "Q" failure. YHC typically leads the Murph, but not much leading is really required, or is it? 0531 and 42 seconds and we are off, SVU style (aka late). Hefty is wearing a 20 lb vest. The rest of the PAX is just wearing themselves. During the first mile YHC chats it up with our out of town guest ( 2 fingers, and True North) we all remembered these guys from last year about this same time. Oddly enough, the last time they posted here it was Murph Monday. With this many PAX we had to have some coordination as 15 PAX either would not comfortably fit without being in someone's comfort zone. For the record, the amount of sweat that Abrams and myself put out means we have a 5 foot exclusion zone.

1 mile run
100 pull-ups
200 'Mericans
300 squats (this is including all types of squats Bertha's full body Squat, Sporks Snoop Squats, and everyone else's regular squats)
1 mile run

T-Claps to Crawdad and Kaczynski for their first Murph. My apologies for assuming you had done this before and pretty much gave you no instruction.


Somehow we didn't all arrive back to the launch pad until 0616, so the reflection was cut short, so this is the whole thing planned. YHC mentions he is, slowly, reading a book on the 10 commandments . "Pathway to Freedom"  Great book so far, but above my level of intellect (Doesn't take much), but you are probably smarter so go read it. The first chapter is the first one, guess that makes it easier to follow. "Thou shalt have no other gods before (besides) me" – Exodus 20:3  The author (in the book I'm reading, not the Bible) discusses first how earlier Israelites worshiped Baal and Elijah worshipped God. Elijah basically conducted a test. He instructed those that worshipped Baal to cut up a bull and wood and lay the bull on the wood and he would do the same. Nobody was to light the wood on fire. Each would pray to their God to start the fire. Long story short… Elijah wins.

The chapter also discusses how "gods" can be anything that we may put before God. Whether it be a relationship, spouse, job, fitness, iPhone, or anything else that may replace God as our number 1 priority. Some Christians, I think it was something like 44%, believe there are other ways to get to heaven.  The author discusses how this is due to our worldly thoughts. To these 44% this is "their truth" Os Guinness (Yes related to that Guinness) is quoted relating truth to a story of 3 umpires…

The first umpire, who represents a traditional Christian view of the world, says, "There's balls and there's strikes, and I call them the way they are." In other words, he is saying "There is such a thing as a ball and there is a such thing as a strike, and my job is to call them the way they actually are. The second umpire says, "No, No. There's balls and there's strikes and I call them the way I see them." This umpire says what's important is not whether or not it is a ball or a strike that comes over the plate, but what he sees. This relativistic view says that truth is what is true to me. In conversation with friends we find them saying – You have your truth, I have my truth. The underlying notion is that truth is what I perceive it to be and in the end all truths converge. The third umpire says, "No, No. No. There's balls and there's strikes and they ain't nothing till I call them." Balls and strikes don't even exist until he calls them into being by his own word. His radical perspective denies the idea of absolute truth.

— Os Guinness (This was quoted from a quote from Pathway to Freedom )

If you give a child salt and tell them it's sweet (sugar), they will perceive truth differently.
