Elmers Belated 50th Birthday Q (over two months late)

We had 15 for the workout this morning including five 2.0's.  Guy Smiley and Face Plant (Tantrum) and Stars and Stripes (Code Blue's twins)  as well as Miss Sassy Molassy (Turnpike), joined us this AM.  This was not a F3 Dads workout and these 2.0's were able hang.  I am still tired and sore on Sunday after this one.  Given that I had not Q'd yet at fifty, I decided to stick with 50 reps theme as much as possible.  Also, I decided to spreak the workout to take advantage of the best that Richard Berry Park has to offer! 


  • Jog 1 laps around the soccar field,  high knees, butt-kickers
  • Circle up in the soccer field
  • SSH x 15
  • Wacky Jacks x 10
  • IST x 15
  • Mountain Climber x 10

Total of 50


Start at Soccer Fields like we are doing a kamikazee. 

Run to hill

1st hill 

  • 5 – Burpees
  • 5 –  Merkins 

2nd Hill 

  • 8 –  Jump Squats
  • 8 – LBC

3rd Hill 

  • 12-  Turkish Get up
  • 12 –  Merkins again (Stars or Stripes request) 

(Adds up to 50) 

Mosey to The Wall: 50’s

  • People’s Chair w/ heel touches x15IC  
  • Feet-On-Wall Donkey Kicks x10IC
  • People’s Chair w/ Air Press x15IC
  • Wall Donkey Kicks x10IC

To the play ground x 50

  • Hanging Flutter Kick x 15
  • Pull ups off shoulders x 10
  • Repeato 

To the bus lot gates (50) 

  • To basket one , 10 x Carolina dry dock
  • Basket two –  15xmountain climbers
  • Basket 3 – 10  x   bicycles
  • Basket 4  -15 x  ww2 sit up

This was all I had in the weinke.  Now improvising ! 

To the Rock Pile 

Line up in three lines with medium rocks. 

  • 1st person crab walks to top of hill 
  • others in line do the following waiting for the 1st to return
    • full curl 
    • skull crushers
    • high curl 
    • shoulder press
    • Low Curl 

To the main Track for an indian Run around 1 lap 

To the picnic tables: 

  • 15 dips 
  • 20 (10 each leg) steps ups
  • count to 50 balls to the wall 

Back to the soccar field 

  • Run across the field for WW2 situps
  • Run back 

Group   MaryP (Pax Choice) 

From memory (not sure if this is accurate) 

  • Burpees (What is Nine Lives thinking) 
  • Crunchy Frogs
  • Merkins
  • WW2 situps
  • LBC's 


  • Great to see a nice crowd out for some Saturday morning fun! I need to remember to Q more often. Really appreciate some of the original Estate Crew showing up
  • the 2.0's really were able to hang. This was not a scaled back workout! 
  • Thanks to 9 Lives for reminding me that when you are 50, you are in your 51st year of life.  At least I still "feel" young! 
  • Appreciate Scud coming out and taking War Daddy for me!! 
  • It is an honor to Q in F3.  If you have not in a while, step up!!!