Elmers is back

FNG-1 = Curly Fry (Carpetbagger 2.0), FNG-2 = 33 (66 2.0), FNG-3 = Nitro Pit (66 2.1)

Haven't Qed a proper boot camp in a while, and not to disappoint… but I felt like leaving the blocks in the cage this week and hitting the baseball diamond.  So here's what we came up with:


  • 1st Inning – Some stretching while late arrivals took their sweet time joining us.  Lap and a half around the track, it was 45 degrees so lets warm up!  Finish at baseball field, ~half mile.
  • 2nd Inning – SSH x 20, Windmill x 20, Toy Soldier x 20,  Mt Climber x 20
  • 3rd Inning – pair up, partner one runs the bases while partner two does Makhtar N'Diaye’s (hand plank to elbow plank and back up).  Give me 200.
  • 4th Inning – Run the warning track, stop at center field for people’s chair, balls to the wall, people’s chair with air press, then protractor.
  • 5th Inning – Into the dugouts, Dip x 20, Derkins x 20, Step-ups x 20 each leg… repeato but reps of 10.
  • 6th Inning – pair up again, partner one runs the bases while partner two does WWII’s.  Give me 200.
  • 7th Inning – 7th Inning Stretch (mid-workout mobility).  Down dog, up dog, leg up, pigeon, switch sides, catchers pose, fin.
  • 8th Inning – pair up again, partner one runs the bases while partner two does squats.  Give me 300.
  • 9th Inning – run home, break-dancers x 20, Russian Twists x 20, Shoulder-touch mericans x 15 (thanks Snake Eyes), Pretzel crunch x 15 each side, plank count-down by all pax.


  • Good to see a strong crowd!  The twitter channel seemed to have a high number of opt-outs, so I was only expecting a handful of guys… nice to have 16 outta nowhere!
  • Mumble Chatter was 10/10 today.  Usually that’s an effective tactic with me, say something stupid – it WILL distract Q Jaws and I will chase that stick.  Not today.
  • Excelsior didn’t happen, sounds like a few ratters ran and left, nobody felt like the double, certainly not the triple.  I am disappoint in Turnpike, he was selling the triple but apparently nobody was buying.  Snake Eyes just converged to his home and came back at 7:00, we let him call some shoulder-touch at Mary so I think he’s happy.
  • ELMERS IS BACK.  Hasn’t posted since pre-COVID but he came out of hiding today.  Monumental.  He’s a hard-commit to be an Estate weekly loyalist for the rest of summer.  I think he just missed the bagels, and all your smiles.  
  • Dugout #2 had some motivational issues.  Only one of you was one-week post-op, dunno what the others said to justify all that grab-ass.
  • Everything is red with the baseball diamond dirt.  M is not pleased.  #doghouse
  • Thank you Rooter for the chance to lead, looking forward to you rejoining us again soon.
  • If you’ve read this far, please take a minute to consult the Estate and Titan calendars and grab a date!