Elmers Q’s the Estate

I have not done a backblast in a while.  Thanks to all who make it out for my first Q in a very long time.  I promise I will step up more in 2019.   Also great to have Landshark back aftter a long time (Kotters!). 

Given that I was out on a bar crawl the night before, I was a little rough around the edge's but nothin some Q legs cant solve.  The FNG was Tantrums 2.0 Guy Smiley! 


One lap around the track and circle up. 

  • Side Straddle Hop x 15
  • IST x 15
  • Merkins x 10 

This workout I found on the internet on Friday night and was called the 100. We did i twice 

It started with 

  • 100 Side Stradle Hops in corner #1 on the track 
  • 90 LBC's in corner 2
  • 80 Squats in corner 3
  • 70 Low Flutters in corner 4
  • 60 Side Straddle Hops in corner 1
  • 50 LBC's in corner 2
  • 40 Squats in corner 3
  • 30 Low Flutters at corner 4
  • 20 Side Straddle Hops 
  • finish with 10 burpees


Finish up with a short mary and I dont remember what we did. 

Bottom line, I was getting a lot of complaining and that felt good. Guy Smiley (Tantrums's 2.0) dared me to race him to quit early and I am quite sure I beat him good so we had to basically finish up. 

It was harder than I thought it would be which make me feel much better after my evening of food and drink. 

Thanks to the pax who came out and who came out to NY Bagel for coffee on me!!