Elmers Sweaty Fallout

Event Date

Aug 22, 2023


I had to put FNG in for Sharp and PertPlus (i dont see them in the list) 

It has been a long time since I Q’d. .  It felt good ! I will have to do this again.  Maybe on a less humid day.

We started out the workout with a quick lap around the parking lot and began the warmup. 

  • SSH x 18
  • IST x 18
  • Toy Soldier x 18
  • Mountain Climber x 18
  • Merkin x 18

Workout – we headed to the lower soccer field.  This is not a full kamikaze but a way to get a little bit of running. 

  • Line up on the lower field
  • All sprint to bottom hill and do 20 LBC
  • Top of hill 20 burpees (that was harder than I thought) run back 
  • Sprint across 15 LBC’s 
  • Top of hill 15 – Squat Jumps – run back. 
  • Sprint Across 10 LBC’s 
  • Top of hill 10 Hand Release Merkins run back. 
  • Spring across for 5 WW2 sit-ups – run back

Now we are off to the wall: 

Mosey to The Wall: aka the Green Monster

  • People’s Chair w/ toe touches x18IC
  • Wall Donkey Kicks x18IC
  • People’s Chair w/ Pterodactyl x18IC
    • Wall Donkey Kicks x18IC
  • People’s Chair – Air Press x 18 
  • Balls to the Wall 

We finished with a everyone leading a Mary exercise. Too bad I cant remember them. 

Bottom line, we were about as sweaty as we could get.  I am very happy to have been able to lead these men for the first time in a while. 

I was immediately asked “why 18” when the workout started. At the end I explained that as a Jew, the number 18 “Chai” also means life in Hebrew   My father was a big inspiration for me and he met my Mom because she was wearing a “Chai” necklace. She had no idea what it meant. She is an Italian girl from a small town and her sister gave her the necklace  I would not have my life without that necklace.  My mom converted to marry my father. When my father passed almost nine years ago, F3 helped me get through the loss, honor his life and continue on with mine.  F3 has been a big part of my life. 

I also wanted to finish the workout with the COT prayer. I slightly modified this, but it was something I heard at the Lake Norman Chamber of Commerce meeting a couple weeks ago and I thought it would be a good way to celebrate our differences and how important we are to each other. 

Blessed are thou or lord our god who allowed us to gather today to improve our physical and spiritual bodies. 

Make us more mindful of other cultures, to find common ground in our differences. To support and promote diversity and embrace those traits, customs, and beliefs which make us unique. 

Instill us with compassion and compromise and above all, watch over the men and women who are now.. and have in the past, stood watch – sometimes giving their lives so that freedom loving people everywhere – wake up each more with the freedom to disagree. 

We ask this in your name.