Embrace the SUCK of Turning 46 w/ Burpees and Kettle Bells (oh, and a rope)

Disclaimer (not a professional, and it SUCKS turning 46, so YHC is angry) Warmorama – SSHs fast and slow, ISTs, Cotton Pickers (TN style), 3 slow warm-up merkins

Having a bday sucks, esp #46. Join YHC in the suck…  46 Burpees oyo. 

Let's zampirini to the top of the parking lot.  Actually, let's just stay here.

Curls (low, high, full)
Mosey up the hill to the stop sign and back

Skull crushers
Mosey up the hill to the stop sign and back

Lawn Mowers
Christian McCalf-raises
Mosey up the hill to the stop sign and back

Partner Helping Hand
Full Curls
Single arm curls (ouch, so only 3)
Mosey up the hill to the stop sign and back

Drop your bells over to the side, let's mosey around the school.  Up the hill, around the corner and oh wait – look!  Someone whipped out their big, thick, long, black rope!  Mary With A Rope (MWAR) ensued.
10 Mary exercises starting with the Power Knee, moving through hip dips, proper form LBCs, Ws, Pretzel LBCs, some odd protractor-like leg lifts, Freddie Ms, Dying Cockroaches, I'm forgetting one and then ending with Amen and thus the obvious – J-Lo's.

The 46 Candle Moleskine:

5 showed up before 5AM for The Standard, but after 1 stride unfortunately Tantrum's achiles determine it wasn't awake yet, so we took off with 4.  Half way through the loop, Little Finger blew by Knockout and YHC to join Ultraman and The Count so we ended with 5 after all.  Tantrum did stay for Cauldron tho – a man of his word!

Not only were we impressed and pleased to have Ultraman join us for the standard today, showing his awesome recovery from the broken foot, but come to find out this was not only his first standard since the injury but his first official standard EVER.  I am honored, my friend.  I'll always be your first, Ultraman.

There's no good way to embark on one's 46th bday – after all, it is the painful exit of the mid-fourties and the start of one's late fourties.  The pax was NOT pleased to join my misery in the 46 burpees after warm-o-rama.  Ultraman finished his first I believe, YHC was a close second, followed by The Count.  Not sure if the rest of the pax finished or just settled for a combined count of "at least 46"…  Chime in with comments if you, too finished – you deserve the callout.

Amen showed up for The Cauldron as well, but was unusually "quiet" for Amen and thus the pax didn't really notice him until his normally abnormal abdominal functions began during Mary/MWAR.  The pax was scurrying for safety upon Amen announcing his presence.

T-claps to Toxic (at The General today I believe) for lending me his 30 pounder today so Tantrum could borrow my 25.  

I missed my 5 year F3iversary Q last month, so call this one it.  So I suppose I started at 41.  F3 has been a gift to me, and I cannot imagine how I could repay what the men of F3 Nation have meant to me over those 5 years.  I hope the 46 burpees will suffice for now.  Thanks to all who have endured my Qs and my mumblechatter over the years.  I will now take this time to officially announce it on the website…

I've joined Tantrum's Team Dad-bod for The Tuna Run.  Oh how I remember the days of "0.0"…
