Embracing the Suck, Embracing the Stink and Reflecting on F3

When I saw Travolta’s battle cry for help in the arena, for some reason I felt compelled to take charge and lead.  It has been quite a while but I guess Co-Qing F3Dads popped my water balloon reservations and gave me enough fortitude to step into the arena and lead some gladiators.  More on this in the Moleskin.

I was a touch late in picking up Clooney…we did say “ish” but the arena is a short horse and buggy drive away so still able to get there on time.  Sweet Tooth flag planted…chariots slowly making their way. 

At 530, the announcement was made, the warriors were ready and time for the spectacle to begin:


Pledge of Allegiance-Always Honor Our Flag


Mosey to fountain:

Warm O Rama:

SSH x50 IC

IST x10 IC

Toy Soldier x10 IC

Windmill x10 IC

Cotton Picker x10 IC

Merkin x10 IC

Mountain Climber x10 IC

The Thang:

Slow mosey around the Church to ramp.

Quadrophilia up the ramp.  11 burpees at the top.  Mosey to bottom of ramp. 1 WW2 sit up.

Quadrophilia back up the ramp.  9 burpees.  Mosey back down. 3 WW2 sit ups.

Repeato 7/5, 5/7, 3/9 1/11

While waiting on the six, Geek led the various planks.

Once the 6 was in, 10x Merkins IC,

30 sec Al Gore

Slow mosey to the wall

People’s Chair

Add Air Press x20 IC

Add heel touch x20 IC  Can you feel the burn???  Definitely some battle cries on this one.

Balls to the Wall 30 seconds…maybe 30…maybe less.  Does it matter?  We did it.

Oh look, a curb, lets do some staggered Merkins

Merkin Left arm up x10 IC

Merkin Right arm up x10 IC

Head over to the shed and get some dirty, bug filled Cindy’s to cuddle.

Curl x10 IC

Skull Crushers x10 IC

Chest Press x10 IC

Overhead Press x10 IC

Squat x10 IC

That was so much fun…let’s rinse and repeato!

Say bye bye to cindy and get on your six.

Dying Cock A Roach x20 IC

LBCs x20 IC

Low Flutter x20 IC



Sweaty Moleskin

Heard at F3 after some gas vapors were propelled out of an orifice “That was real?”  I think some shorts needed to be retired permanently

And a perfect segwey…nothing like catching whiffs of the garbage truck and a dead skunk while houghing and puffing trying to breathe…made life even more difficult while doing burpees.

Good to see some familiar faces…more importantly, good to see some new ones. 

High Roller thought that by parking in the handicap space he would be entitled to an easier workout.  We give you a lot of RESPECT but your AARP card does not get you out of a good ol fashion butt whipping.

On a more personal note:

This is week 3 of my so-called comeback.  I know I will never get my mind right after losing my precious daughter.  All of last year, I avoided anything having to do with F3 Dads because the thought of her not being with me was too painful.  Saturday, with the help of Etch A Sketch, I mustered enough mental strength to Co-Q F3 Dads.  I am better for it.  Although Christina was only represented by her shovel flag, I know she is with me every day.  And I was able to spend quality time with my son because he needs it more than ever as he tries to process his grief.  When I decided to Q today, it was merely on a whim.  Probably for feeling guilty for fartsacking Monday…it was a rough night to say the least.  But it was where I belonged. I avoided F3 as all the major milestones approached…birthday, anniversary, Mother’s Day etc.  I just did not want to answer the question “How you doing Olive?”  I did not want to freak out, say something rude or inconsiderate, get upset, get angered etc.  So I avoided F3 altogether.  It was a mistake.  My mental weaknesses only gave me more physical ones.  For a brotherhood that has stood by me, when I needed them again, I avoided them.  I was wrong for doing so.  I know this because being out there 5/6 days a week the past 2 weeks, gave me strength to face Father’s Day.  Now it was awful don’t get me wrong but at least the anxiety over the anticipation was minimized.  So today, as I was leading…I knew I was just not leading the “Pax”…I was leading myself…myself back to a better path to have better Fitness…to enjoy the Fellowship…and to renew my Faith, not only in God, but in myself. I don’t know what version of myself is…that is yet to be determined but what I do know is that version is better when embracing the suck of the Gloom with my brothers of F3.  Thank you for keeping me upright!

Live Life.  Own Every Second.  Don’t ever take anything for granted. 

One Day Closer!

Humbly Yours,
