Emmaus Fails

Event Date

Jul 19, 2024


Turnpike and Red joined me at 0500 to kick off the weekend with another episode of Emmaus. With the MQ still out with an unspecified ailment (HIPAA prevents us from asking too many questions), Q duties were left to YHC to handle. I decided some fails were in order today – it’s good to push to failure sometimes. After a short mosey and the usual Warmorama, we went to failure on:

  • merkins
  • single-leg glute bridges
  • dips
  • jackknife LBC’s
  • merkins
  • jump squats
  • low flutters
  • plank
  • merkins

We were joined by FNG (at least new to the area – he’s been an F3’er since around 2018) Pillager for the last 2 rounds – he was looking for the 0530 workout of which there isn’t one on Friday at Birkdale so we convinced him to join our group to avoid the humiliation of having to join the mall walkers at 0545.

Strong effort by all this morning on a very humid morning. 

2nd F we decided to all work on getting better this week by tackling an individual joker. I committed to continuing the No Milkshake streak for another week and the others made their commitments as well. We can all try to improve a little each day and hopefully by next Friday we can all report back about our progress. Looking forward to the MQ healing up and getting back to leading 2nd F, it’s just not the same when us non-professionals try it.