Emmaus for all 3-Fs

Event Date

Feb 15, 2019


5 PAX gathered for the 1st F activities and the number grew to 6 for 2nd and 3rd F. 


Workout begins with a slow hip-stretch-walk (most PAX confused). Properly continuing the warm-up, we rolled through a series of lunges, SSH, Windmills, IST, mosey/jog, 'Mericans, Parker Peter & Peter Parker. 


The main atraction began. Sprints down and back up Townley starting at Which Which. In-between sprints an exercise was performed.

  Sprint set 1 – LBCs (30) & 'Mericans (20)

  Sprint set 2 – Low Flutter (30) & CDDs (20)

  Sprint Set 3 – Rosalita (30) & 1-min Plank (~1.75mins due to garbage truck interference)

  Sprint Set 4 – Freddie Mercury (30) & 'Mericans (20)

  Sprint set 5 – continuous sprint, down and back… gassed


Mosey towards starting point. 1/2 way to home, YHC decided to try a new exercise. I'm not gonna say it was successful, but it hurt. In theory it appeared to be a proper 6-count movement. In retrospect, it was probably better served as an 8-count, however, "we" stubbornly pushed on. Movement: From front leaning rest position perform 'Merican, followed by Parker Peter (both legs), followed by Plank Jack. That's 1. If properly performed and counted it will deserve to live in F3 Lexicon as the "IG". For you elder folks, that is short-hand for Instagram. 

Mosey back to Sbux launch point.


Coffee and 2nd/3rd F. Jedi led the discussion using F3 Q-Source.

Q1/Get Right: The Pursuit Of Proper Personal Alignment
• A man must get right before he can do anything else
• An unfit man is a slave to his lack of self-control
• To be able to help others, a man must first help himself

PAX traded personal stories and discussed what it means to "Get Right". Consensus amongst the group is that "Getting Right" is a never-ending endeavor. It is something we strive for within ourselves in order to properly lead and serve others. As noted in Q-Source… "To properly align himself a Leader takes the Daily Red Pill (the DRP). This is his
daily commitment to accelerate his fitness, fellowship and faith."

Discussion continued and centered around the Posion of Comparison and how that can draw us into being "un-fit & not right" to serve, lead and/or engage. The poison of comparison can cloud the mind with thoughts of being disqualified from having a purpose and/or being a part of God's Kingdom. One man getting right does not equal the same outcome of another man getting right. Every man is qualified to help if first he helps himself…


Red October, fresh off the IR and recovering from Tuberculosis, joins to close out the discussion. Great to have you back with the PAX. Happy to hear you and your M are making a recovery. Pneumonia is not fun. Appreciate the new book recommendation. 

Ramrod was 60% sure that 100% of the time he enjoyed the sprints. The man is not built for distance, but he becomes a rabbit for short bursts. Great work!

Carpetbagger decided that providing the visual of another man's sausage hands resting on your shoulders was impactful to the 3rd F conversation. I think he was trying to communicate something important but, well you know… sausage mitts.

Stray offered up golf lessons during the 3rd F discussion. I was all ears, but the rest of the PAX just about dozed off. To think that he passed up Cauldron to run sprints and do 'Mericans is unfathomable. Good to see you outside of the airport, brother!

Jedi put in the 1st F work and led a great 3rd F discussion. Appreciate the contrbution. Despite my smart-ass remarks/mumblechatter, you remained focused on the mission and it was impactful. Thank you for the opportunity to lead.

Thanks for a great morning and an even better start to the weekend. All 3-Fs were greatly needed for me in the never-ending journey to Get Right.

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