Emmaus, meet Q-Source. Q-Source, meet Emmuas

12 #HIMs disrupted Mother Nature’s plans to keep good men asleep during the rain. Four gathered early (0445) for a five mile run, one for a five mile ruck, who later (0500) joined seven more for a roaming bootcamp.  All men thirsty for biggie sized truth nuggets cascading from the Q-Source manual 0530.

Besides the invigorating 1st & 2nd F, here is what followed during Coffeeteria.

Q Sources is a fifty-week, male leadership course designed to give #HIMs (high-impact-men) the framework of lasting leadership.  It is freely offered to all men. In Lake Norman @F3LKN you can find it at the Berean on Monday’s, Emmaus on Fridays, and in a stand-alone Q-Source convergence on Saturday’s at Water Bean 0815.

The Disruptor


Scripture: Matt 10:34 “Do not supposed that I have come to bring peace to the Earth.  I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.” ~ Jesus

Key Thoughts & Discussion Points Captured:

  • A leader leads others from one place to a place of advantage.
  • Disruption may be necessary, but is not required for all leadership applications.
  • Disrupting the status quo takes leadership.
  • Be aware of the situation you are in as a leader. Control? Stabilize? Improve?
  • Depending on the phase, disruption will have different requirements and outcomes.
  • Caveman: Somebody had to say, “We should move into that cliff way up there.” and someone had to follow.
  • Legacy is built on love.  
  • A leader must have and love his followers.  
  • Leading with love is hard, but necessary.
  • Leading with love is understandable at home, but what about at work?  Leading at work requires the disruptor, because today’s work environments are often void of legacy leadership.



  • 20 SSH IC
  • 15 IST IC
  • 10 WM IC
  • Mosey


  • Parking deck 1
  • P1 Amrap Muricans
  • P2 paint-the-lines
  • Flapjack-Repeato
  • Mosey to parking deck 2
  • P1 Amrap squats
  • P2 Broad-jump down – Mosey back
  • Flapjack Repeato
  • Mosey long way home
  • Parking deck 3


  • 20 Low Flutter/Flutter Press IC
  • 20 WWII SUs OYO
  • 1 min plank
  • 15 Low Flutter/Flutter Press IC
  • 10 WWII SUs OYO
  • 1 min plank
  • 1 Crisp, clean, burpee


F3 is a dynamic group of leaders and leadership styles.  Learning from a common framework breeds honest and tough discussions.  On our “Walk to Emmaus” we see Jesus in the faces of our friends. Iron is sharpened.  Men’s spirits are lifted. Leaders are hewed.

