Emmaus Part I

Event Date

Oct 07, 2016


5 Pax met at the SBux in Birkdale to sharpen all three 3F's.  YHC blasted a run route for those interested, but all decided to tackle a boot camp instead

It went down like this:


Mosey around the loop/monument the circle up


15 IC Cotton Pickers


Arm Circles

The Thang

Gather in the middle island across for Sbux.  

1 person runs around the Monument while the remainder of the Pax complete the following excercise.  

10 Mericans

10 CDD

20 Squats

20 Mountain Climbers

All excercises were done together and IC

Repeato as many sets of each excercise/sequence until each Pax completed two laps around the monument

Mosey to the Parking Garage railing

10 Dericans X 3

20 Single leg squats (10 each leg) X 3

All done IC 

Mosey to the ramp

5 Burpees and the Bottom

Quadraphilla to the top

1 revolution of Quarter Turn Jump Squats

Bear Crawl or Crab walk down

Repeato by dropping burpees down by 1 and adding a revolution to the Qrt Turn Jump Squats

Audible. Deep Lunge after 3 times.

TBC, Cornwallis, and Billy Bob were told to Bear Crawl up the ramp since they did not suffer from Soccer arms

Mosey to Chico's for Mary


20 IC Low Flutters – YHC

Pilates LBC X 10 IC – Jedi

Pillow Talk 20 IC – TBC

Touch them heels – 20 IC Cornwallis 

Recover Recover


– I am blessed to have been the presence of these men this morning. 

– This was the first part of Emmaus where we talk about becoming better Co-Workers.  We had a great discussion, and shed a lot of light on how scripture leads us in the right direction.  

-I want to thank Jedi for helping take on this adventure with me and going out on a limb to help make it work

This is a judgement free zone, and all are welcome.  You can come for the 3rd F at 530, 1st F at 445, or have all three from 445-615.

– You WONT be behind next week if you missed this week.  Each week will tackling a different part of the Creed.  

-I am DR next week, Billy Bob has the Bootcamp Q, and Jedi will be working his magic on the 3rd F. 

Reflections from 530-615

-Do we need to look at ourselves when dealing with "difficult" coworkers?

-In scripture, how do we handle difficult co workers?

Who are we aiming to please?

"Jesus always sent his displices out in pairs"

Matthew 5: 44-45

Matthew 7 3-5

James 3: Taming the Tongue

Speak with Respect: Colossians 4 6

Look at it through Jesus eyes.


Please add more to the comments. Enjoyed every minute!
