Emmaus – Qsource: Targeting

Event Date

Jul 05, 2019


5 became 6.  6 became 7.  7 became better.  Here’s how it came to pass:

0530ish and we roll.  Mosey on down towards Pier 1 for warmorama

  • Disclaimer given
  • SSHx15ic
  • Windmillx15ic
  • Mountain Climbersx15ic

The Thang:   perform exercises for 2 minutes each.  You will hit the wall before, so plan/breathe/etc hen get back at it.  You vs You.

Mosey to parking lot behind Which Which

  • Merkins
  • Side Shuffle – stay low with good form, when exhausted, get lower
  • LBC’s

Mosey to playground

  • Partner up:  P1 – pull ups; P2 – squats, flap jack
  • Dips

Mosey back to homebase for Mary

  • Low Flutter
  • Mason Twist

COT then Qsource

Targeted moleskin:

  • Many thanks to Jedi for pushing me to Q.  I’d let the “I’m recovering” excuse go on too long and was in a rut of “receiving” instead of “giving.”
  • Qsource after Emmaus provides a great avenue for 2nd F and men to share with other men.  Jedi and Carpetbagger your D2X is definitely showing there.
  • Speaking of D2X showing:  when a man has a pain cave deeper than the grand canyon, courage to face a giant, sharper than a tack, and the heart of a servant…….well he isn’t a man fit for demand planning.  He’s a man fit to serve the community.  T-claps to Blackberry on joining the ranks of F3 firemen.  We are glad to be your daphodils.
  • Great word by Moses to take us out.  When your kids are at that point where they feel close to God, embrace it.  But also remind them, then, that there will be points that they do not feel that close.  And when that time comes, it is that they have moved away.  God is unchanging, and never will leave nor forsake us.  So if you teach them this, they will be able to recall that time and that feeling and know how to get back to that wonderful place of communion with the Creator.