- Year 7 of the anniversary of my heart infection
- Year 6 of the anniversary of my heart infection
- Year 5 of the anniversary of my heart infection
- Year 4 of the anniversary of my heart infection
- Year 3 of the anniversary of my heart infection
- Year 2 of the anniversary of my heart infection
- Year 1 of the anniversary of my heart infection
Thanks to my F3 colleagues that came out to join me and to those that forgot I had the Q.
- Windmill
- Carrot Puller
- Toy Soldier
- Mountain Climbers
The Thang
- Run down to the wall
- Mohammad Ali
- `merkins
- Calf Raises
- Praying Mantis
- Peoples’ Chair
- with seal claps
- with land the plane
- Bear Crawl to the opposite curb
- Mohammad Ali
- `merkins
- Freddy Mercury
- Lunge Walk to the opposite curb
- Something else I don’t remember
- Continue down the wall, run up the hill to the Alexander Chase neighborhood
- On your 6 for
- Homer to Marge
- Low flutter?
- Continue up the hill to the rock pile
- Grab a rock for your buddy (pick a rock, then hand it to someone else)
- The Curl
- Overhead Press
- Skull Crusher
- Bent over Row
- Run back to Eagleridge Way, grab some curb for
- Mohammad Ali
- `merkins
- Return to the rocks, pick any rock you want
- The Curl
- Overhead Press
- Skull Crusher
- Bent over Row
- Toss the rocks back
- Return to where we started for
- Some pax got to call the mary exercise of their choice
- Recover Recover
Age Stats for Nerds
- Mean: 48.8 (average of the recorded ages)
- Median: 47 (age in the middle of those recorded)
- Mode: 47 (age that occurred the most)
- Max: 61 (highest age)
- Min: 31 (lowest age)
- Count: 11 (count of pax)
- Standard Deviation: 8.0724 (square root of the average “distance” each age had from the mean)
- Kurtosis: 1.48592 (indicates how “tailed” the data, i.e., are there outliers or extreme values in the tails.)
- Skewness: -0.71808 (describes the asymmetry of the data with respect to the mean, i.e., are we leaning left or right in a normal distribution. for about 7/8 of my qs, the skew leans negative, which is not surprising given the likelihood of more guys in their upper 40s/low 50s coupled with 2-3 pax in their 30s.)