Enjoying the company of ordinary people

Event Date

Feb 09, 2018




Warm up:
10 IC Mountain Climbers
Arm Circles

The Thang (with Mary built in):
5 IC Curls Right Arm
5 IC Curls Left Arm
5 IC Russian Swings
5 IC skull crushers
5 IC alternating one arm swings
5 IC WWI Sit ups with KB
5 OYO KB drag (each side)
1/4 mile parking lot run (follow the Q the first time out, continue to run that exact route each time out)
Two bonus laps at the end to make it 2 miles.


In my house lately, everyone seems to think they know it all, including myself.  No one likes to be corrected or asked to do things in a way different from how they would do it themselves.  The old "It's my way, or the highway" type mentality.  And it leads to a lot of hostility.  The reality is, we all can't have things our way.  If you want to go left, and I want to go right, someone has to give if we want to go together.  Allowing others to win can be perceived as weak, but in reality, it is honorable.  We need to make an effort to live in harmony (with our families, and F3 brothers) and enjoy our time with the people we love.  This verse found me on a day that it was needed, and so, I share it with all of you in case you need these words too:

Romans 12:16-18
16 Live in harmony with each other. Don’t be too proud to enjoy the company of ordinary people. And don’t think you know it all!  17 Never pay back evil with more evil. Do things in such a way that everyone can see you are honorable. 18 Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone.