Epic paintball

Event Date

Dec 27, 2021

FNG-1 is Jolly Roger 2.2 Stink eye
FNG-2 is SWFL's 2.? Mitch
FNG-3 is SWFL's 2.? Patrick
FNG-4 is Hefty's Nephew (?) Bodie (not Brody)

Jolly Roger and Stink eye were the only 2 other than Denver representing any LKN "region" PAX. Though I think Bodie is from Raleigh, and either Mitch or Patrick live in South End. Fun was had by all. Pregame boasting was in full effect with YHC practicing on Fortnite the night before. Jolly seemed to have faired the worst followed by Trapper Keeper. Jolly caught one on the tip of his finger, the hand, the nads, the head, and the neck. Maybe wear camo next time. That neck shot is going to concern the M because it looks like a hickey. At least 2 shots resulted in blood loss. Trapper keeper has about 2% body fat so when he caught one to the stomach and the back it shows with a giant ring of fire. Mitch and Patrick looked like seasoned pro's out there. Clark learned during the pre war briefing that the guns have to upright and no super modified ganster style shooting is allowed. Though I did manage to double tap someone with a blind overhead shot. The 2.0's were mostly trigger happy, while most of the older guys were more selective in fire rate. YHC stuck to mostly 3 burst fire shots. Hefty was mostly on the run, probably logged 3 miles. SWFL found a portajohn on the course and got shot as he exited.

For the end of December it was rather hot for layered clothing which resulted in goggles fogging up. Regardless, That was the best 2.5 hours that can be had for $36.