Epic Q Fail But the 4th Running Of Daytona Lives Up To Its Reputation

So, a funny thing happened on the way to #MadSci today…The Fart Sack sacked me good!  I honestly have no idea just exactly what happened.  What I do know is that I had the workout sheets, the tape and shovel flag in the car and ready to go.  Workout clothes laid out and 4 alarms set.  2 from the phone and 2 from my FitBit and yet, YHC finally awoke when the M realized I was still in the bed and she called me out.  Thank you babe!  In a mad scramble, I quickly dressed, could not find my phone even though it should have been on the nightstand.  Grabbed a water and was out the door.  When I arrived I was not sure what was transpiring but immediately upon being seen…it was evident…The Pax were racing!

"I love it when a plan comes together"

I have no idea if there was any warm o rama, disclaimers but I bet there was definitely some mumblechatter of my absence.  For those that were there from the start, feel free to chime in.  But Daytona goes a little something like this!


The Thang

25 Burpees-Up stairs, down ramps

50 LBC’s Up stairs, down ramps

50 Mericans Up stairs, down ramps

50 Squats Up stairs, down ramps

50 Freddie Mercury’s Up stairs, down ramps

50 Carolina Dry Docs Up stairs, down ramps

50 lunges Up stairs, down ramps

50 Mason Twists Up stairs, down ramps

50 Wide Grip Mericans Up stairs, down ramps

50 Jump Squats Up stairs, down ramps

25 Burpees!

Checkered Flag!!!

Sleepy Moleskin

That was an absolute horrible feeling knowing that you let your brothers down.  But in F3 fashion, F3 brothers cover the 6.  Thanks Scrap for researching the BB from years past.  That is why you post back blasts!

Apparently there were dueling boom boxes.  For those who finished, Scrappy led them in Mary. 

I cannot confirm or deny there was merlot spilled.

Everyone pretty much hated it…which means they love it.  Ultraman already punching his ticket.

The Force was…at least dressed.

Cousin Eddie and Stapler are three for three so far on the week of Olive…they are beating me!  Sorry no patch.  But there is a medal and t shirt at the https://latinimemorial8k.racesonline.com/

There was a Frogger siting…remember those days when you were not a runner?  My memory does not go back that far any more.Great to see a couple usual faces and a couple new ones. 

Thanks to everyone who showed up better than I did today…sometimes better late than never!

Live Life.  Own Every Second.  Never, Ever Take Anything For Granted


Humbly Yours-

