Equipment Check

Event Date

Apr 11, 2018

10 PAX rolled out of their cars to a breezy nip in the air for a midweek mustang workout, Preblasted as ruck friendly and most obliged. For those that didn't block pickle pounders are their new favorite exercise.

Warmup – Parking Lot Lap

Ruckers stay on lap and those without retrieve block in short cut … all return to launch pad

The Thang

To the tennis courts – Keep blocks where appropriate for exercise

– 15 Monkey Humpers IC

– 15 Dips IC

– 30 Step-ups left

– 30 step-ups right

– 15 Pickle pounders IC #BlockChafe #HomageToCloser

– 15 squats IC

– 15 IST IC

– 15 Mtn climbers IC

– 15 SSH IC

– 10 Merkins IC

Full length of tennis courts (4 wide) each lap and mosey back – grab block where appropriate

– Butt kickers

– Duck walk half

– Backwards run

– Bear crawl half

– High Knees

– Lunge walk

– Shuffle right

– Shuffle left

– Crawl Bear / half

Return back to first set of exercises

– 10 Monkey Humpers IC

 -10 Dips IC

– 10 squats IC

Ruckers take a long parking lot lap and those without return block  … all return to launch pad


2 Timothy 1:7

For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.

Romans 7:23 NLT

“But there is another power within me that is at war with my mind. This power makes me a slave to the sin that is still within me.”


“Mind over matter, if you don’t mind, then it doesn’t matter”  – US Navy Seals


  • Enthusiastic bunch this morning with their rucks on

  • Thanks to those that judge for ruck versus not, meant for equipment check prior to Friday

  • You are expected to Post on Friday to either the OTB (if it happens) or Schoolbellz. AO to AO is supplemental suck

  • Stitches You Are The Father (of schoolbellz Q Friday)

  • Scope thought I was mad at the PAX 🙂

  • Mater is Clark’s biggest fan

  • Woke with a terrible crick in my shoulder and wasn’t sure I’d be able to complete, turned the mind off and persevered.