Estwing-aversary at The Mighty Oak

Event Date

May 10, 2023

It’s hard to believe that YHC celebrated my two-year F3 anniversary on Cinco de Mayo last week.  As my first post was at the AO of which I am currently MQ, I thought it fitting to resurrect (for the most part) that first workout led by the highly esteemed “Turn Brothers” (Turncoat and Turnpike).  Reading back through it, I’m a little surprised I came back for a second post, but it also inspired me to incorporate more pain into future beatdowns.

blood and treasure GIF by CBS

8 intrepid Pax rolled into the Grand Oak parking lot to help me celebrate.  This is how it went:


Slow mosey around the parking lot while POS screeched into the parking lot on two wheels, working in butt-kickers and high-knees, making our way to the back of the school.

  • SST x 25 IC
  • Toy Solder x 10 IC
  • IST x 10 IC
  • Slippery Dip Can x 10 IC
  • Side Schrute x 10 IC
  • Slow Windmill x 10 IC


Partner up – size is of no consequence

  • Partner 1:  Hold Elbow plank
  • Partner 2:  Run to second basketball hoop, do 5 Burpees.  Run back.  Run to 3rd hoop, do 5 slow squats.  Run back.
  • Flip flop.
  • Repeato, but with Merkins and Jump Squats

Recovery lap around the track

Mosey to the wall for some wall sits, including:

  • 1 minute including Air Presses x 15 IC
  • 1 minute including Touch Dem Heels x 15 IC

Time for a Turncoat classic (which Roadie claims was originally introduced to Isotope by him)… The Moroccan Night Club Run

  • Pax form a line for a slow mosey around the track while doing the Moroccan Night Club
  • Person in the back drops down to do a burpee before running to the front of the line
  • Cycle through everyone until all Pax have done two burpees – ended up being twice around the track

Gordon Ramsay Arab GIF by National Geographic Channel

Everyone grab some blocks and line up with same partner pairings.  Set one block 20 feet away.

  • Partner 1:  Bear crawl to and around the stationary block
  • Partner 2:  Curls
  • Repeato until 100 team reps achieved
  • Partner 1:  Bear crawl to and around the stationary block
  • Partner 2:  Skull Crushers
  • Repeato until 100 team reps achieved
  • Partner 1:  Farmer’s carry with block to and around the stationary block
  • Partner 2:  LBCs
  • Repeato until 100 team reps achieved
  • Partner 1:  Farmer’s carry with block to and around the stationary block
  • Partner 2:  Merkins
  • Repeato until 100 team reps achieved

Crawl Crawling GIF by Big Brother

Blocks back, recovery mosey around the front of the school.  Stop at planters for The Dip x 10 IC.  Back to launch point.


  • ‘Captain Thors’
    • WWII situp x 1 IC + American Hammers x 1 in 4 count cadence
    • Repeato with 2
    • Repeato with 3
    • Repeato with 4
    • Repeato with 5  Ouch this hurts…
    • Repeato with 6
    • Repeato with 7
  • Low Flutter x 15 IC
  • 1 Crisp Clean Perfect Burpee

Recover, recover.


  • Thanks to Lego for getting me out of bed and to The Mighty Oak two years ago.  F3 has been such a great addition to my life!
  • This workout kinda sucked!  Pretty amazing I came back out for a second post… great job to the guys who showed up today.
  • Aside from YHC, both Over Budget and Roadie were present for my first post as well — love it.
  • Bear Crawls seem to have fallen out of favor with Boot Camps, but definitely need to make a comeback — I know Rebound would love to see more of them.
  • Everyone really liked the Captain Thor exercise too (lots of moaning and groaning)
    • It’s worth going back into the archives every once in awhile to find “lost” exercises