Every Monday in May is Murph Monday at Mustang – Week 1

11 men braved the threat of rain, thunder and lightning to join the May Challenge YHC has promoted – 5 Mondays in May, 5 Murph's to honor Nave SEAL Lt Michael P Murphy and all the other brave men and women who have paid the ultimate price in protecting our country.  With the understanding that Warm-O-Rama was last week, 9 of us took off at 5:30 sharp, then 2 FNG's (Drew Pierce & Logan Pierce) pulled in at about 5:32 and caught the pack pretty fast.


1 mile run

100 pull ups

200 push ups

300 squats

1 mile run


Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.


  • There was much discussion about the weather as the PAX waited for the clock to strike 5:30, many checked the radar and questioned whether to go back to bed.  The rain came and left quickly several times, including one brief burst that sounded like hail on the bleachers and completely missed us at the pull up bars.
  • This is the easiest back blast YHC has ever written – copy/paste The Thang from last week, no Warm-O, Finkle handled the Reflection and I'm instituting PYOMC – Post Your Own Mumble Chatter to really speed things up.
  • DYK – Clark is in the top 7 best ice box repairmen in the world?  He used to be in the top 8 and law enforcement is investigating a suspicious death to get him into top 7
  • Mater is back from Key West.  He attempted to party partied with his nieces and took it out on YHC by not talking to me.  Is it not talking to someone if you tell that someone that you're not talking to them multiple times?
  • Dr D invited the FNG's and graciously kept up with Drew who turned out to be the fastest of the PAX
  • Finkle has a phobia of bridges but less severe than the phobia of sharks. For example, if stopped in traffic on the 7 Mile Bridge between Key West & Miami, he would not get out and stand in the water, because of the sharks
  • Sparrow left us at the pull up bars while we were in about set 12 – we thought he had to leave early but reality is he was faster than all of us and did not want to stand around waiting for the PAX to finish
  • Iron Horse made it several rounds further than last week with his ruck sack on, by next week he'll make all 20.  #CRUSHINGIT
  • Boucher went back to the traditional 5-10-15 format this week, he was tired of embarrassing the rest of the PAX
  • After both FNG's went through their intros, Thrift Shop quickly suggested Mickey (FNG 1 Drew) and Snakes (FNG 2 Logan) as the COT ran rather long today
  • FNG1 is Drew – he owns the Denver Animal Emergency, he is married with 4 children, undergrad at UNCC, doctorate from NC State, favorite vacation spot is Disney World, has been a cross-fitter and built a home gym during the pandemic 
  • FNG2 is Logan – (I'm a bit fuzzy here, so please correct) he lives in New Hampshire and is in town visiting his brother FNG1 Drew.  He also went to UNCC and has been in NH for 5 years.  He had great pink paisley shorts on

That's 1 down, 4 to go.  For all those fartsackers, we hope to see you next week.  Pleasure to lead this morning.  Namaste, Bertha