Everybody help count, and enjoy it.

Event Date

Jul 18, 2024


Got a good start when I saw Thug’s car parked and realized this was our third workout together this week.  New power couple?  

Being whooped, I decided the best way to endure 45 minutes in the heat was to mosey slowly to the Cain Center, then on to Cornelius elementary.  We just barely missed the 2 mile mark.  If only Airstream was there with his apple watch, we could have called it 3.3 miles.

Some of the guys accused me of “just wandering, willy nilly.”  I have to agree with them.  Blackbeard described his giving of his post operative rehab equipment to Clark from Denver who just had the exact same surgery as he did.  Apparently, he is doing well.  Blackbeard isn’t.  He’s a still a rascal.

Seriously, we prayed for Smores (a formerly more active member of F3 isotope).  He’s in recovery, and the  situation is serious (pulmonary embolism).  A food prep and delivery for the family has started with about 4 of us.  We will pull more in if/when necessary.

PLease pray for him and his family.