Everybody loves some prison yard love

Boones farm((FNG) John Carl) and Megaphone where there as well to make it 21 pax came out to support old Sweet C.  I don’t know how many times I have Qed or posted at the wilderness, but it is still one of favorite places to be.  The wilderness crew is just a great group of guys.  I promised pain and a little running and I think we achieved both.


Quick Warm up and Stretch out.

  • Windmills X 10
  • IST X 10
  • Cotton pickers x10
  • SSH X 25
  • Mtn. Climbers X 10
  • Downward dog with alternating knee release

Tennis Court Fun

  • Australian Peel Back (everyone squats while 1st person bear crawls to back
  • Partner Squats 3 laps 10 counts each side
  • Plank when done

Mosey to Queen’s corner

  • Hit the circle for a merican time bomb
  • Indian run to rock pile

At the Rock Pile

  • Burners X 10
  • Full curls X 15
  • Triceps Press X 15
  • Shoulder Press X 15
  • Low Curl, High Curl and full Curl 10 single count each

Mosey pain clock

  • Starting at 12 doing exercise at each ¼ hour as a group and then running the circle to the next ¼ hour (Staying together the entire time)
    • At 12 – CDD X 10
    • At 3 – LBCs X 25
    • At 6 – CDD X10
    • At 9 –  LBCs X 25
    • At 12 – plank for group to get there.

Frankenstein walk, lunge walk then board jump burpee down the hill to Queen’s Corner

Get to the who tree via Indian run up Hugh Torrance to the front


  • Big baby crunch X 15
  • Xs & Os
  • Shoulder touch Mericans X 10

Naked Mole Skin:

  • Always and honor to lead at your home workout and great showing with 21 today.
  • Last week I received a text from Toxic letting me know there was a mens workout group that meet on Thursday at 5:10.  I guess I have missed a few Thursday recently.
  • I guess folks do not like the board jump burpees.  I can always remember with Crack introduced me to those at 131 main early in my posting career.
  • Based on Jorel’s watch we covered 1.5 miles which is about my normal workout range it is like my body just knows how to only do a 1.5.
  • Good bit of chatter about my counting or lack thereof when trying to breathe in and count at the same time.
  • Lots of announcements today.  Check out http://www.f3isotope.com/preblasts for everything you need to know.