6 Pax were present and accounted for at Night Ranger. Here’s what went down:
Warmarama (IC):
-Slow windmill x10
-Long Snapper x10
-IST x20 (40 IC)
The Thang
Mosey from the bottom up to the top of the parking deck
-5 burpees
-5 Diamond ‘ Mericans (IC)
-5 ‘Mericans (IC)
-5 Wide ‘Mericans
-Run up the ramp and down the stairs
Mosey from the top of the parking deck down to the bottom
-5 burpees
-5 LBC’s (IC)
-5 Dying Cockroach (IC)
Mosey from the bottom up to the top of the parking deck
-5 burpees
-5 Diamond ‘ Mericans (IC)
-5 ‘Mericans (IC)
-5 Wide ‘Mericans
Mosey from the top of the parking deck down to the bottom
-5 burpees
-5 LBC’s (IC)
-5 Dying Cockroach (IC)
Mosey from the bottom up to the top of the parking deck
-5 burpees
-5 Diamond ‘ Mericans (IC)
-5 ‘Mericans (IC)
-5 Wide ‘Mericans
Mosey from the top of the parking deck down to the bottom
-5 burpees
-5 LBC’s (IC)
-5 Dying Cockroach (IC)
Round of Mary:
-Freddy Mercury x20 (40 IC)
-Russian twist x15 (30 IC)
-Suzanne Somers x10 each leg (40 IC)
-Glute bridge holds (60 sec)
-Squats x10 OYO
-Dips x15 (30 IC)
Recover, Recover
Great job tonight gents. All Pax crushed it. We ran the deck, and got in some burpees, merkins, and core. Jaws still has more core than he thought. He even did burpees. YHC secretly thinks he enjoyed them. Swanson just started doing burpees before YHC even directed them. Liberty just got it done, didn’t complain, and wanted more. He was in beast mode and even did a 3 mile standard run before launch. What can’t Doubles do? This MQ is elite status. He got in 5 miles before posting. Pit Stop was the ultimate coach and did a great job clip-boarding tonight. He stuck with us all, even with being on the IR. Post workout activities commenced.
COT/Prayer Requests:
-Remember The Force’s mother, Libby, who is battling cancer.
-Injury and viruses
-Doubles-client who is recovering from surgery.
-Drebin is rescheduling the F3 western NC volunteer trip due to the weather that hit this past weekend. A later date will be scheduled in Feb or March. Please DM Drebin if you are interested. And he will add you to the communication thread.
-February 12 @ 5:30am-Olive will hold the annual running of F3Daytona 500 @DPK.
-March 8th 0645-F3 Polar Bear Plunge
-March 22-Register The Operation Sweet Tooth 6th Annual Christina Latini Memorial 8K and 2 Mile Walk.
-Possum is forming a 2025 Hope House Team to help with an annual fundraising event and many other service projects. Details coming soon.
-Possum is also seeking volunteers for the Annual Smithville Community Garden Refresh around mid-March timeframe (spreading mulch and other manual labor typically on a Saturday morning). A shovel and strong back is all that’s needed.
-May 23-Dragonboat Ramsey Creek Race. See Swanson for deets.
The F3 mission statement is “to plant, grow, and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership”.
F3 5 Core Principles:
Workouts …
- Are free of charge
- Are open to all men
- Are held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold
- Are led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion, with no training or certification necessary
- End with a Circle of Trust
There are plenty of Q slots at all AO’s. Please sign up. For new Pax, volunteer to lead/Q (we’ll help you co-Q). For you seasoned guys, sign up for some Q’s.
Invite a FNG or brother you haven’t seen in a while who’s a Kotter. Invite that #just1 who needs you more than you know (an invitation is a powerful thing brothers). If none of those work for you, just show up. No one will be left behind, but it all starts with the discipline to take one.
Until next time…
(aka Tobra Commander, Tobra Kai, Tobi-Wan, Teletoby, Tobias, Tobadia, “Toe”bee, TobyMac, Tob-lerone, TOB-the-wet-sprocket, Mr TOBoto, etc.)