Everyone Loves HR

Event Date

Jun 25, 2024


Everyone Loves HR



SSH, IST, hillbillies, Long snapper, windmill, Mtn Climbers


Long slow workout to build our muscles:


Pull-up – hold – 10 sec

Squat – 5 second down/5 second up


Lazy Dock Workers

Merkin – 5 sec down/5 sec up

Apollo Ohno – 5 sec down/5 sec up (per leg)



Mosey to blocks:

Curl – 5 sec down/5 sec up

Skull crusher – 5 sec down/5 sec up

Lawn mowers – 5 sec down/5 sec up (per arm)

Overhead press

5 blockees




Hamstring from Big Mean – both legs, then single legs – Jenny thoroughly enjoyed these

Shoulder touch merkins (not surprisingly from Snake Eyes)

Jack-knife LBCs from Gambini

Touch dem heels from T-Bone

And Calypso brought us home with 3 whole J-Lo’s



It was a great and energized group today with plenty of mumble-chatter.  YHC was able to push through and the Pax remarked how much stronger (willed) that I am than Mr. Holland – probably the only thing I may be stronger at that someone 15 years my junior.

Mumble-chatter included Gambini’s crusade for the The Hitman sandwich at Mama’s Express as being the best sandwich in all of Huntersville.  T-Bone, a certified sandwich aficionado and true NY Italian, unlike Tantrum’s Pennsylvania/New Jersey “Italian,” proclaimed that Mama’s is not real Italian, but he did give the stamp of approval to Ferrucci’s which is also one of YHC’s favorites.  Jenny proclaimed the workout today was not as good as the workouts in NY. 

The Pax also could not stop talking about their love of Human Resources, something that Gambini and I truly agree on – the inherent value of all HR departments across the land.  It was stated that YHC’s employment contract allows for a bonus if I make people cry, a fact YHC can neither confirm nor deny. 

I appreciate Snake Eyes for keeping count and pushing through, as well as Hoff for keeping the time correctly despite a plea from the Pax to lie to YHC.  Calypso gave the Pax their joy when during Mary he only did 3 whole J-Lo’s.

Nice work today, gentlemen. 

Until next time…

– Drebin