Everyone Should Have a Bill in Their Life

FNG 1 – Chris and now called Nextel
FNG 2 – Ryan Jr (Airstream’s 2.0)
FNG 3 – Greg (Airstream’s future son-in-law)

13 PAX rallied at Mighty Jungle on Saturday morning and accepted the offering by YHC where we took full advantage of the cinder blocks and other areas around St. Marks for some strength and conditioning work. The morning was filled with plenty of unexpected goodness and exemplified the true brotherhood that continues to keep all of us bonded, challenged and accountable to one another.

PAX spent plenty of time getting “friendly” with the cinder blocks as the PAX pushed and pulled the weighted coupons and performed lots of reps including curls, merkins, shoulder presses, and dips. YHC failed at trying to incorporate the infamous 8 count body builder and got plenty of pushback but our former 1st F Master Q Ultraman provided a perfect demo and led this often forgotten exercise. Thank you brother!

PAX also covered plenty of ground around the St. Mark’s campus including two predictable stops at the school wall for Christian McCalf-raises, bear crawls, Mike Tyson’s, and other nonsense. PAX also took the long way around the campus to ultimately cover 1.5 miles with mobility and MARY mixed in throughout.

So much appreciate seeing each of you on Saturday, some of you I have known for quite some time and others just getting to know:

  • The Force thank you for sharing your heartful story about your friend Bill (picture included above). Can’t wait to hear the details of the impact he has made on your life brother – please share in comments.
  • Chris Miller (FNG) will now be called Nextel, a father of 3 and works in communications at Lowes.
  • Soprano who is often challenged with family commitments on Saturday but his presence truly makes an impact,
  • Shadow who has become a steady fixture on Saturdays and throughout the week,
  • Over Budget whom I don’t cross paths often but always great having at MJ
  • Ultraman – always brings contagious enthusiasm, and an inspiration to so many
  • Airstream who is breaking all kind of attendance records-happy belated birthday brother (May 24),
  • Omega fresh off a business trip to Charleston and recently hosting his home for paddle boarding,
  • Mulligan continuing to crush it and is now Master Q at 4-banger,
  • Ryan Jr (FNG)- had YHC known an NFL strength trainer for my beloved Redskins would make an appearance I would have been up half the night overthinking and overplanning,
  • Toxic a Mighty Jungle fixture for years and always brings enthusiasm with a gift of mumblechatter
  • Greg (FNG), Airstream’s future son-in-law and former Ferris State Basketball player and if YHC not mistaken Division II National Champion!,
  • An of course The Goat who rolled in honking during CoT, paid tribute to our fallen veterans, and closed us in prayer.
  • Remember Memorial Day Murph launches Monday from Jason’s Deli 7am to honor our veterans.

    Humbly in Christ,
