Everyone’s favorite hill



Mosey to the biggest hill in Wynfield. Exercises at the top. Run to the bottom. Exercises at the bottom. Run back to the top (Sometimes backward). Repeat until 05:10 and then mosey back to the clubhouse.

Exercises included:


-Hand Release Merkins

-Squats. Regular and pistol

-Pretzel crunches

-Peter Parker

-Carolina Dry Dock


-Probably more I can’t remember



-Amen managed to wake a neighborhood dog without saying a word. IYKYK

-FNG’s are 4 way and his buddy from Boston. Look for him tomorrow for a naming. Based on what he shared it should be a good one. A former gymnast, now a truck driver who delivers lobsters. With a rebuilt arm after an accident so part cyborg.

-Poor out cold went to Grace Covenant Church per the website looking for Dragon Slayer. After finding no one there he came to Wilderness and found no one there either as we were off campus in a less traveled direction. It didn’t stop him as he still worked out and made it to COT.