Everything in moderation…except Christmas lights!

For an unseasonably warmish day at Fallout (~54 degrees), the Preblast hinted at a slightly run and core heavy bootcamp.  Was surprised to see so many Pax who will run the Huntersville Half Marathon this weekend, including for the Standard.  YHC began to think about even more things we could do today to accomodate the runners.  This bootcamp became, in effect, a nice "taper" workout for runners.  Here is, roughly, what went down:

0500:  A roughly 2.16 mile standard with BEP, Code Blue, Freedom, Marker, and Tantrum.  Pace was 2nd F like as promised, roughly 9:45-9:50 per mile.  Some were slightly faster.

0530:  After some pleasantries exchanged, and fist bumps from all the Pax, we were off.


  • Mosey up the hill towards the school, including high knees, butt kickers, Quadraphelia, and side shuffle left and right.
  • "Oval up", and everyone grab their own pole.  (Too easy for TWSS jokes)
  • Disclaimer given, including instructions for runners to modify as they saw fit.
  • SSH x 10 IC (There would be no excessive reps of anything, today)
  • Calf raises x 15 OYO
  • Slow deep squats x 10 IC
  • Calf declines on each leg x 10 each side OYO
  • Glute raises, 2 legs x 30 seconds, then each leg for 15 seconds more each
  • Continue mosey up the hill towards the intersection of Beatties Ford and Bud Henderson, including Karaoke L/R

The "Taper" Thing:

  • Continue mosey into the Carrington Ridge neighborhood.  Stopped for:
  • Mericans x 10 IC
  • LBCs x 50 OYO
  • Mosey some more
  • Stopped at a gazebo for:
  • Squats x 15 IC (regular cadence)
  • Hold the "Al Gore" for 30 seconds
  • Mosey some more, to arguably the best Christmas lights in the hood!  (mine)  In my driveway we did:
  • Low flutters x 25 IC
  • Elbow plank x 30 seconds
  • Mosey some more, to another part in the neighborhood, over by Beatties Ford.  We stopped for:
  • Bear crawl "about 2 trees"
  • Lunge walk "about 2 more trees"
  • Quadraphelia a ways
  • Found a wall.  We sit wall sits with air press x 10 IC, about 45 seconds in total
  • At some point we did Mericans x 10 IC
  • Exaggerated long striders for a ways

Chime in if you think I've left something out.  We made our way back to the AO for some Mary.

Mary – with Led Zeppelin's "When the Levee Breaks" playing on my car:

  • Elbow plank "for the duration of the song" was threatened, but was joking.  Roughly 45 seconds.
  • J-LOs x 10 IC
  • Low Dolly x 10 IC
  • Fire Hydrant x 8 IC, Suzanne Summers x 8 IC R then L
  • WWII situps x 10 OYO
  • 45 seconds AMRAP of the ol' "Out, in, and up" leg routine.  Another softball for jokesters.
  • Man Maker Elbow Plank x 5 IC (cut the reps short because this was harsh on the elbows)

Recover, recover.  We covered 2.24 miles according to Strava.


  1. We prayed for Omega's daughter and her recovery from surgery.  And we prayed for the safety of those running in the Huntersville Half Marathon.
  2. Best of luck in the Half Marathon to BEP, Freedom, and Tantrum; and Ultraman who will be pacing the 2:00:00 group.  Sound off if I missed anyone.  T-Claps to all of you for coming out to a bootcamp the week of a race.  Admittedly that is something YHC doesn't often do.
  3. Tantrum asked Ultraman often today if an exercise was "taper friendly".  Ultraman typically said something nice like "absolutely!" when he probably wanted to say "D.B.A.P." – ha.
  4. Reminder that if you are not running the Half Marathon, there are volunteer opportunities along the course.  See: https://f3lakenorman.com/announcement/huntersville-half-marathon-volunteers-holiday-5k-with-sfn
  5. Check out Mona Lisa at The Mighty Jungle on Dec 21st.  There will be cookies and "some sort of obstacle course so I don't have to Q sh*t" (his words, not mine, lol)
  6. Believe there was a "Clown Car Commit to Q" on Dec 24th at Fallout by IKEA, Toxic, and Ultraman.  T-Claps gents.
  7. Toxic is a jokester.  Among the many zingers:  "TP, do your gloves have Hello Kitty on them?" (For the record…no comment) "TP, did you steal your wife's gloves AND her Weinke?" (Again, I plead the 5th) and "We usually have round poles".  This guy.
  8. Always nice when Marker makes a visit from Denver.  Lots of Pax including YHC, BEP, and Mona Lisa committed to returning the favor soon.
  9. Canary was way overdressed.  Actually, he was wearing a hooded sweatshirt and pants and YHC can totally relate to that.
  10. Good to catch up with Snake Eyes, Bootlegger, and Code Blue, even if briefly.  I'll admit, in a group that includes Elmers, Toxic, and Tantrum; any mumble chatter you may have contributed was drowned out.
  11. Thanks to Freedom and his M for ensuring YHC and my M got home safely Friday night after the LKN Christmas party, even if your car was at Main Street tavern and mine at Kadifit overnight…that is better than doing something stupid.
  12. Thank you Mona Lisa for the opportunity to lead.  If you'll have me back I'll pick up a Q in Q1 of 2020.  Would promise a harder workout if so.

Have a great day gents. – Turnpike
