Evolution of Dora 1-2-3

Event Date

Mar 21, 2018

9 men from around Denver took the DRP and optioned for the cold frozen mix/rain over the fartsack to better themselves. Each left more moist than when they arrived.

05somthing Mulligan is running parking lot laps T-claps for the extra effort.
0527 the Q is gathering plan B in case the rain switched to a downpour. Hefty taunts the Q for still being in his car.
0529 Abrams turns in on 2 wheels. He drives like he runs…fast and that's not the first time I've said it.
0530 and we get going

20 IC Mt Climbers
'Merican clock

The Thing
Mosey over to the end of the parking lot. Partner up for Dora 1-2-3
Partner A does an exercise while Partner B runs out ~ 100 yards and back..Flapjack
100 'Mericans
200 LBC
300 Squats
As you finish, help others complete theirs

Mosey over to a clear spot for Evolution of Man (Missed you Clubber)
Dragon Walk up, Mosey Back
Bear Crawl Up, Mosey Back
Duck Walk (Groucho Walk), Mosey Back
Monkey Walk, Mosey Back
Lunge Walk, Mosey Back
Sprint, Mosey Back

6MOM (Mary go round)
10 IC LBC (Clark)
10 IC Flutter Kicks (Scope)
10 IC Monkey Humpers (Mater)
10 IC Jane Fondas, each side (Abrams)
1 dad duty left early (Mulligan)
10 IC SSH (Miranda)
10 IC Something (Hefty)
10 IC Dying Coachroaches (Sonar)

Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought.

—Jeremiah 17:7-8


  • Wingnut appeared to have aggravated an ankle… Ice up son.
  • Miranda is a rebel.  Just because someone paints white lines in a parking lot doesn't mean he has to park between them.
  • Solid effort by all this morning.
  • What did I miss?