Excelsior gets a visit from Hollywood

* Also in attendance was Bean, not registered yet on the website.

The wise Stray recently Tweeted "#RIPBB".  Since YHC is not on "Slack" yet, let's recount today's Excelsior story…at the risk of no-one reading this…

13 strong runners came out to Excelsior despite the threat of rain. YHC was excited about the clown car "from Hollywood" (Binary, Dry Rub, Magnus, Smash, Tiramisu), to which 9 Lives remarked "that's just down the road man".  Ok…perhaps…but still awesome!

Disclaimer…delivered while running backwards…

With first timers to this AO we did the Jim Kidd Rock loop, stopping at the rock for:

  • 30 Low Flutters IC
  • 30 LBCs IC

We got back to the AO and did a loop around the track to get over the 4 mile mark.  We finished with Mary doing the same exercises as above.

Recover, recover.  Total distance was 4.07 miles according to my Garmin.  Link to Garmin description here:



  1. Outstanding turnout!  Very exciting.
  2. Smash and Binary commented it was their longest run in a while.  Could've fooled me, you guys looked strong out there.
  3. Thank you Hollywood Clown car, for doing your mud run training with us!  We can make it more…uh…mud runny…next time if you come back.
  4. Sponge Bob asked if we should race the track loop.  No thanks young fella!  But you'll get your chance at #The Estate…
  5. 12 of these 13 warriors would double down at The Estate.  That story found here: http://www.f3isotope.com/content/what-a-bunch-of-squares-at-the-estate
  6. Thank you Black Eyed Pea for the opportunity to lead these fine men.

Have a great weekend brothers.