Excelsior MQs all at Titan

Event Date

Apr 30, 2018


3 pax made it for a normal standard – 2.6 miles if memory serves

3 Excelsior MQs and starting running, what's that, no 4…4?  yeah 4, apparently Major Tom has bequeathed his responsibility for Excelsior on YHC.  We had spoken about about a month prior, but apparently he forgot to formalize, announce, or provide other general awareness.  That being said, it was good to have Major Tom out today.

Warm up

SSH X 15

Mercan X 10

IST X 15

Carrot tugger X 10 


diamond mercan X 10

squat X 15


balls to the wall for a while

dips X 15


derkan x 10

dips X 15


low plank 1 minutes as rest


rock work –

Low Curl X 12

Hi Curl X 12

Shoulder press X 15

Skull crusher x 15

Full curl x 9 (YHC got tired)…..one of the pax was not tired, one who chose a small rock

Good to have the crew out, felt like a got a good workout, covered 3.0 miles during workout.  Who called out to Jingle Bells house?  I think more of that is needed, go cowboys?

According to Major Tom the highest hill in the whole state of florida is 86 feet, I'm suspicious this is fakenews.

MAJOR announcement at Titan next week, you won't want to miss it!