Excelsior on a cold day

Event Date

Dec 10, 2016

I'll keep it short and sweet.

Many F3ers were getting ready for the Huntersville Half Marathon (HHM) at 8am.  Others were not.

Here's the story of three who were not:

It was sub 20 degrees but SpongeBob rucked 2 miles to the AO from his house with a 65 lb pack. If you don't know him, he is a BEAST.

66 is only at 40% fitness level as he is still recovering from a pretty bad fall saving his son's life this summer.  He's going in for another surgery on his Labrum this week but it did not deter him from posting.  His M was running the HHM so he decided to get his work in early. Tough dude, he is (as Yoda from Star Wars might say if he knew him)

We ran to the rock at the end of Jim Kidd Road and back.  We stopped for calisthenics at about the 1 mile mark, at the "Kidd rock" and at about the 3 mile mark.

We stayed warm and were thankful for each other's company.

Turnpike (master Q of Excelsior and resident bad a**) would have been there but his M was out of town and while his two children under the age of 10 will no doubt be bad a** like him one day it was a little too much to ask of them at this age.

Respectfully submitted to the archives of F3 Isotope to record the event of the day and to recognize those who showed up.

The Professor