Exercise for the Saints

Event Date

Apr 22, 2019

5 PAX showed up to a recycle of my prior 3 Wise Men – which was renamed The Saints for the 3 (primary) islands of USVI (note Kenny Chesney reference)

Disclaimer  (all are vets – fully aware)


SSH 30 IC (thought about matching Dandy's 50 but left that for him)

Cottonpickers – 20 IC

Little Arm Circles – forward/reverse – 10 IC

Mountain Climbers – 15 IC

Tha Thang

Warm up lap to give orientation to where pain stations would be.

3 stations – located ~equadistant from each other spread out around parking lot lap:

– 30 air squats

– 10 burpees

– 25 merkins

AMRAP until 6:10am (most got in a little over 2 miles).  Bit of a mental challenge to keep a decent pace when you know the faster you run, the sooner the next pain (burpees are always a favorite).


LBC – 25 IC

Flutterkicks – 25 IC (not everyone made it thru this one)

2 minute plank (much grumbling)


Read Acts.  After celebrating the Resurrection of our Savior and fulfilment of the prophecy, the fire was lit and the Church was created.  Cool to reflect on the excitement and awe that the disciples must have felt after witnessing Jesus' ascent to heaven.


This workout isn't awesome for staying together – we got spread out pretty quick.  Clark was kind enough to pace with YHC.  About 3/4 the way thru, he says, "how much do you weigh?"  Answer: 190.  "you don't run like you weigh 190…"  Not sure if that was a good or bad thing.  But the reality is YHC should weigh more like 175…

Clark's neice was selected for junior Ninja Warrior competition.  I think she was inspired by our new POTUS' F3 capabilities.  Sadly, it would have required her to bail on gymnastics – so she gave Ninja Warrior the Heisman.  Having priorities at 9 is awesome.  Shame on Ninja Warrior for requiring her to choose.  

Diesel was his normal chatty self

Mulligan is still on high alert awaiting their 2.1

Marker's Easter was "good… nothing bad happened…"  I love that response.

Pleasure to lead.

YHC = Kaczynski