Experimental roll

It's always an awesome site to see car headlighs driving towards an AO at the verge of a  Beatdown. Pax of 11 decided to follow an amateur Q around and put there trust in YHC. Great work today. Stronger you are today, than you were Yesterday.


The Thang :

400 warmup run

SSH x20 IC

Merkins  x 10 IC

Alternating Side Lunge ~30 yds

Walking Toy Soliders  ~ 30yds

Bear Crawl ~30yds

Plank walk L/R ~30 yds

That was your warm up.

Mosey to tables/wall

Half People's Chair

Half 20 dips


Mosey to Upper Play Ground

Partner up

–Lat -Pulls 15/10/5

–Leg Throws 10/10/10

Per pax

Mosey to hill.

Bottom of Hill  Merkins x 10

Top of Hill Helping hand x10 per pax



Experimental Roll

Bottom of Hill- 20 squats IC

Burpee roll x 15..

Field Run x 2


Homer to Margie

Flutter / Dolly

And of course, Shoulder Touch Merkins..x 7 , 15 for others..



YHC didn't really have his Wienkie ready.

Jimmy O great 2ndF today.

Great seeing Haagendazz on the south side. Don't believe those GCC /131 Pax . We have the best AO.

Sweet C and 9-Lives showing off their nimble steps on the runs.

**Standard Ruck . JO and 66

*Lonely Cat for Standard Run

Always an Honor  to lead MEN of F3.